5/3/19 Southside Critical Mass Ride Cinco de Mayo Fest Ride


5/3/19 Southside Critical Mass Ride Cinco de Mayo Fest Ride

Time: May 3, 2019 from 5:45pm to 10:45pm
Location: Nichols Park (Plaza)
Street: 1300 E. 55th St.
City/Town: Chicago
Website or Map: https://www.google.com/maps/p…
Event Type: fun, social, bike, ride, leaderless
Organized By: Southside Critical Mass
Latest Activity: May 1, 2019

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First Friday Ride

When: 5/3/19 from 5:45pm (riding at 6:15ish) to 10:00pm

Riding 13-20 miles at a moderate pace (10-14 miles per hour)

Ride to the Cinco de Mayo Festival in Cicero, Illinois
Location: Nichols Park (Plaza) 
Street: 1300 E 55th St. (55th & Kimbark)
City/Town: Chicago
Event Type: bicycle ride

Bring: helmet, bike w lights, lock, id, money and water

Ride at your own risk!  You are responsible for your own safety. Route subject to change.

Facebook:  Southside Critical Mass

Twitter & Instagram: @SSCritMass

Chainlink: thechainlink.org/group/SSCritMass

Southside Critical Mass 2019 Dates

2019: 5/3, 6/7, 7/5, 8/2, 9/6, 10/4, 11/1

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