XXX Racing - AthletiCo Saturday Ride


XXX Racing - AthletiCo Saturday Ride

Time: October 25, 2008 at 8am
Location: Wicker Park, Warren Park
Website or Map:…
Event Type: Training
Organized By: B
Latest Activity: Oct 14, 2008


Our Saturday morning training ride is open to all cyclists. We leave from the northwest corner of Wicker Park, south of the intersection of North/Damen/Milwaukee, at 7 a.m. The ride stops at Warren Park at the intersection of Pratt and Ridge at 7:30 and continues up Sheridan Road to Highland Park. Note that from October 11th to March these times are 8 and 8:30 a.m.

The ride is about 50 miles round trip from Wicker Park, or 36 miles round trip from Warren Park.

After a stop in Highland Park, the group will split up according to ability and ambition. There will almost always be a group heading straight back to the city, but please keep in mind that after Highland Park the ride is no longer "no drop." You are responsible for your own way home. If you do not know the area, you should bring a bike map.

Popular extensions to the official route include the Ft. Sheridan Loop (an extra 7 miles), "Old School" (20 miles) and "Sisters" (40 hard, spirited miles).

There are several important things to keep in mind.

* Helmets are required. No exceptions.
* The ride to Highland Park is “no drop.” This means nobody gets left behind. We ride as slow as the slowest rider. If you are unable to keep up and a gap has opened ahead of you, you should yell “gap.” Do not be bashful. And if you hear that “gap” has been called, you must slow down and pass the word forward.
* We stop for flats. However, you are expected to have equipment to change a tube and the know-how to do so within 5 minutes.
* We ride no wider than two abreast. Not only is this the safest way to ride, but it’s the law. Although we proudly assert and defend our rights as cyclists, we try to minimize our impact on motorized traffic.
* If you are at the front of the group, you are responsible for keeping the ride smooth and safe.

Our team ride is a great way to get to know us and improve your own riding at the same time. We look forward to riding with you.

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