200K, 400K, 600K Great Lakes Brevet Series


200K, 400K, 600K Great Lakes Brevet Series

Time: June 13, 2015 to June 14, 2015
Location: Super 8, Delavan WI
Street: 518 Borg Rd
City/Town: Delavan, WI
Website or Map: http://glrrando.org/
Event Type: randonneuring
Organized By: Jim Kreps, RBA
Latest Activity: May 20, 2015

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Join us on the last GLR event of the series.

The Great Lakes Brevet Series is a series of long-distance bike rides through rural southwestern Wisconsin. If you are looking for more of a challenge than your local century and enjoy the company of others who are more interested in seeing you finish than dropping you on the next climb then please join us.

200K ride start is at 7:00 AM.

400K, 600K ride start is at 6:00 AM

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