Let's just say I found another reason to wear a helmet while riding.

I was about a mile from home (Irving Park Road & Sheridan Road in Chicago) when car A cut me off to make a right turn in front of me. She winged me with her car and, when I tried to catch my balance, my chain skipped the ring. The driver of the car is yelling at me to go (which I couldn't do since my chain was still messed up) and then the driver of car B, who didn't like the fact he was being delayed, hopped out of his car, came up from behind and sucker punched me in the head without saying a word. He then proceeded to continue punching me until he had me and my bike on the ground. (It's tough to fight back when you're still clipped in and wearing big ol' expedition weight mittens.) 

Anyways, a lot of people saw what was happening. The woman in the car behind hopped out of her car and got his license plate (thanks April!) and a fourth car took chase after the culprit and his group (there were 3 people with him) fled once they saw they had an audience. (But not before stealing one of my mittens.)

Long story short, Chicago Police came and were very nice but, because it was an out of state plate (no one knows what state) and because they couldn't find the car (which had, strangely, parked around the corner for a while before fleeing) they said there's not a lot they can do other than file a battery report. One of the officers did find my stolen mitten. Seems the perp decided to dump it in the road down the block since they didn't want to be caught with evidence.

I'm a bit stiff and my poor Hampsten is a bit scuffed, but fortunately damage doesn't look too severe. I haven't given my bike the once over yet (it's still covered in road grime from today's ride) and my kit is a bit grubby from the city street, but I'm taking it easy for the rest of the day and will deal with that stuff later. Guess it's good I had on so many layers.

But if you see a light colored car with the license plate VQL543 (CORRECTED), the guy's a real dirtbag. And wanted for battery.

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It seems to be the more aggressive types drive BMW's, at least in my experience. But it is not always the case. Some dude in a Nissan Maxima tried to run me off the road a few weeks back.

El Dorado said:

What is that a BMW? I don't care for those drivers either. I nearly had one run me off the street last week.

BMW and Audi drivers are usually aggressive, so I try to stay clear of them.

(_______) drivers are usually (________), so I usually try to (_________) them.

Let's play!

(Aggressive) drivers are usually (aggressive), so I usually try to (smile at) them.

David P. said:

(_______) drivers are usually (________), so I usually try to (_________) them.

Let's play!

The ATA has a crash hot line number maned 24/7 

Crash Hotline

Call our hotline312-869-HELP (4357), to learn about your options. Whether your questions are related to legal, insurance or advocacy issues, we’re ready to help.

Also this site said that for $4.95 they can tell you who owns the plate.


I am saddened to hear about this. It is shameful that such aggression is so prevalent in our city and culture. The lack of respect some humans have for themselves and others is appalling. 

I hope you feel supported by our community of citizen cyclists and are encouraged to continue riding unhindered!

Yes please keep us updated.  I hope this person is caught and dealt with and that this never happens to you or anyone again.  Disgusting.

So then, for $4.95 we can find out where they live?

Bryce Sabin said:

The ATA has a crash hot line number maned 24/7 

Crash Hotline

Call our hotline312-869-HELP (4357), to learn about your options. Whether your questions are related to legal, insurance or advocacy issues, we’re ready to help.

Also this site said that for $4.95 they can tell you who owns the plate.


Chicago Police have been very helpful. However, the license plate that was independently identified by two separate witnesses (including one who followed the vehicle leaving the scene) has struck out as no match in all states that use the ABC123 format. So either it's an old plate no longer in the system or it's been altered. 

The light colored compact 4-door sedan with the license plate VQL543 was last seen stopping at a building in the 700 block of west Irving Park Road immediately after the incident at approximately 1pm on Sunday, January 12, 2014. There were four individuals, all Caucasian and including at least one female, in the car at the time of the attack. Whether this vehicle's owner lives in the neighborhood or was visiting is unknown. 

I wish there was more to report, but that's what we have right now. I guess if anyone lives or rides that neighborhood, be on the lookout please. It's an easy license plate to memorize, what with a "Q" and the descending sequence 543.

(Taxi) drivers are usually (stupid), so I usually try to (annoy) them.

David P. said:

(_______) drivers are usually (________), so I usually try to (_________) them.

Let's play!

Its almost a fact that BMW drivers have a higher rate of douchbaggery.

C'mon people. It's these sorts of generalizations that lead to people getting their heads bashed in. Trust me. I know first hand. Right now, there's probably a thread on a car forum where people are making comments about what jerks "all" cyclists are.

Jason said:

Its almost a fact that BMW drivers have a higher rate of douchbaggery.


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