I was glad to have an antiseptic "new skin" liquid bandage with me, when I hit a soft spot on the non-paved trail last Saturday. I usually carry some basic aid items, and will also add to them the Tegaderm, as it seems to be working miracles on my road rash.



Hopefully, you'll never need to use any of those things, but, just in case, here's a handy check-list from REI website.

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It depends on how far I'm riding, what type of ride I'm doing, and whether I'm riding with a group.

Excellent suggestion.

I carry a first aid kit for my bicycle. I never considered one for myself.

Good idea!

Yes.  It's good for peace of mind on all-day rides.

Sometimes I carry one.

This is as much for others, who might need something, as it is for myself.

Too much weight; don't want it slowing me down.

OMGosh I'm just kidding! The Lakefront Trail is safe!

I've regularly carried one since my kids and I got doored last year. Turns out its difficult to find enough to patch up 3 people from passerbys and stopping kids from seeing themselves bleed goes a long way. Thankfully, it has only come in handy to other cyclists since then.

I usually have a few Band-Aids, but did not think about something to clean up the problem before applying the Band-Aid.  Thanks!

And that is the main reason bicyclist shave their legs: easier to apply bandages.

I carry a handful of bandaids and a little sprayer of neosporin.  Adding in the Tega derm is a good idea.  It look similar (and may be the exact same stuff) to what my tat artist uses for her better work.  Basically, it's a bandage that you put on for a couple of days to lock in color and promote healing. 


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