When asking around, I heard these three candidates are some potential good bike-friendly options:




Let's use this thread to discuss, bring in articles, quotations, and proof of bike-savviness. Cool?

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I know, this IS Chi-raq, but the "security" excuse seems like a stretch limo.

But in the cases of Emmanuel and Preckwinkle, it is their staff that is doing the actually driving, as I am led to understand. In the case of Toni, making your drivers/security pay their own tickets is demanding some responsibility. Should she just flat out fire these individuals? Three strikes and you're out, or at least reassigned, makes sense. 

Don't know. Agreed - there is some responsibility with the way Toni handles it. 

Not sure why it has to be them being fired. I'd wish they would be advised following the laws is expected as part of their job. I partly wonder if they are put in a position where they are told to go fast and maybe sent the wrong directive/message? Hard to say what's going on here. Just really don't like when laws aren't respected without a good reason for doing so when it comes at the cost of putting more vulnerable users of the roads at risk. 

I find it hard to believe that Prekwinkle can sit in the back seat of an automobile and not realize that it is speeding or running lights. If the driver is breaking the law all she has to do is tell him\her to slow down or stop, to follow the law. Responsibility on her part means directing the drivers to drive responsibly, not having them pay fines when they don't.

Not only is that sexist, it could be perceived as racist all in a lame attempt at humor. If they were talking to a man, just replace "girl" with "boy" and see how that feels. Not good.

I'm sure you meant Roy, boy.

That's the response that I'm familiar with.

Chicago "Jobs for Justice" organization asked the candidates to answer questions about transit in Chicago.  Attached are the responses they got.



Thank you for sharing these links.

Yes, more invective, outrage, and self-righteousness is in order -- because they are in such short supply nowadays, especially on social media and the inter-webs. Meanwhile, the ice caps are melting. But let's rearrange the deck chairs.

 I believe this is rather over-wrought.

Yeah, the "whole ice caps thing" would be over-wrought, if it weren't also true.


But let's do sweat the small stuff -- that the future mayor of the City of Chicago has a habit of exceeding the posted speed limit and blowing an occasional red light.

Yeah, moving on is appropriate, as we seem to be talking past each other. I get the sense that you didn't even bother to read the Times piece (I could be wrong), and my throwing a link out there does not obligate you or anyone to do so. For what it's worth, I am personally not interested in a single hit & run story in D.C. I have limited bandwidth.

I have some insight. People are terrible drivers in the DC area. TERRIBLE. DC and Chicago have very different infrastructure (Chicago has more) and Chicago seems to have (believe or not) more awareness for cyclists.

I moved to Bethesda recently and there are no bike lanes near me so I am stuck partially riding on the very wide sidewalks because driving in the street is too dangerous here. People speed with reckless abandon while not paying attention.

Speaking of tangents -- I KNEW I shoulda made dat left toin at Albakoikie!


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