A Call to Arms in support of the Manor Greenway project!


Major opposition to this project is building from residents of the Ravenswood Manor neighborhood.  An on-line petition has been started (it only has 25 signatures so far).  

A major breach in the path along the Chicago River is between Lawrence Avenue and Montrose Avenue, between Ronan Park on the north and Horner Park on the south.  Many years ago this land along the river was ceded to private homeowners by the Water Reclamation District, then know at then known as the Sanitary District.  One of the efforts to fill the missing links has been this project.  

Several month ago a meeting was held.  Another meeting is scheduled on Thursday, September 22nd, at 6:30 PM at the Horner Park field house on the south east corner of Montrose and California.

A large turnout from the bicycle community would be very helpful to show support for the Chicago Department of Transportation which is proposing this project.  It's supported by the 33rd Ward as well.  But a large turnout of opposition is expected, larger than attended the first meeting.  So a larger turnout of supporters, quietly indicating the support and need for this greenway access between the two parks and street is needed.

Mark this on your calendars with the date and time.  Please make every effort to attend.

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Thanks Bob! Thanks for creating the Chainlink event to help organize us with attending:


Here's the previous thread:


As you can see, we face pretty tough opposition from the area residents so everyone's support is super important.

Isn't this more-or-less in the mayor's neighborhood?

Slightly to the west a former governor's neighborhood where his family still lives.

The meeting is next Thursday, 9/22, but the 'test' starts on Monday.


Add your support, add a comment.

"During the evening rush hour on Thursday, DNAinfo observed westbound cars backed up on Wilson from the stop sign at Manor to the Chicago River bridge. A police patrol car was stationed at the intersection to discourage motorists from running the stop sign, according to officers."

I happened to go home that way yesterday (had to stop at a friend's house in Wicker Park to pick up some bike parts). I wondered why there was a police car stationed on Mozart at Wilson. I was mildly surprised the officers didn't appear to be looking down at their phones. :-)

On a more serious note, it's not clear what the best alternate north/south street is in that area. They all seem pretty residential to me. Sacramento and Rockwell have lights at Lawrence and Montrose, but are both a mixture of one-way and two-way, so it's not like either one makes a good shunt from Lawrence to Montrose. And, they are residential. I doubt the people living on them will take kindly to any increased traffic either.

Awesome! I'll be there

Just to clarify any misunderstanding about this Manor Greenway project and the meeting Thursday:

There are TWO parts to this project:

The first part is the Manor Greenway that is fully planned, funded, and will be implemented and is not (or shouldn't be) controversial.  Set the details on the 33rd Ward website


This involves the curb expansions, parking changes, pedestrian and bicycle island refuge islands on Montrose and Lawrence and improvements on Argyle to continue the path.

The second part is controversial and, so far, only a testing period will be involved.  This will divert traffic from Manor onto Wilson and interrupt the north-south flow of cars on Manor between Montrose and Lawrence.  This test will begin Monday, Sept 19th and continue to mid-November. 


The reason we need to show up at the meeting is to make sure than the original greenway project isn't scuttled or stopped.  This will be an immediate and supportive change for bicyclists.  This is a positive step for cyclists, and we don't want to lose what we've gained.

It's not (or shouldn't be) a bad idea for CDOT to have a test period, evaluate the results, and decide to implement the changes or not.  Sometime after mid-November there will be (yet another) meeting to share the test results and announce the decision based on the test results and again seek community (and not just the Ravenswood Manor community) input.  

If you can't make the meeting, comments can be sent to MANORGREENWAY@gmail.com but it's best to show up at the meeting if you possibly can.

I created a petition in support of the project. Please sign and I will send to the official email addresses and bring it with us on Thursday.


Also, a facebook event if you want to invite folks not using chainlink


As a cyclist who lives in Ravenswood Manor who is all for better cycling conditions in Chicago, it is imperative that the cycling community understands that most of the people who live here support the GreenWay project and actually welcome it. There are many people who live here bike for transportation.  It's the diverter causing all the fuss.  (and cyclists and cars who don't stop at stop signs)  Please come into this meeting knowing the difference between the Greenway project and the diverter. 

Thank you for this perspective. 

I will be there. Thanks to all for links to the project information and background.

It was quite a turnout last night. I didn't count but it was probably around 100 people. I was surprised at how many people were complaining about the process. LOTS of rudeness - people interrupting others or trying to speak multiple times, even after the ground rules had been repeated - one turn per person, limit it to one minute.

The moment that really made my heart sing was a father of a 2 year old boy talking about how much safer he felt taking his son to the park every day now that drivers can't speed through the intersection at Wilson where the diverters were placed. 

I rode the greenway on a Divvy bike after leaving the meeting. On reaching the intersection at Wilson, there was a cab beside me and another driver behind me. It was so much less stressful not having to guess where that cab would go because it was forced to turn right. I didn't have to worry about that driver speeding past me and cutting me off further down the street. It was wonderfully peaceful to ride. 

My thanks to alderman Deb Mell for her words at the meeting. I appreciate her commitment to the greenway as part of a bike route from the northwest side to downtown. It's not just an amenity for neighborhood residents, but also for those of us who visit friends and businesses there by bike. The diverter is on a trial basis, but she said she was committed to the greenway being a keeper. I hope that things can be tweaked enough for the diverter to stay. This could be a real 8-80 route, in an area with many children.


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