We've had some discussion lately about the need for more bike facilities on the southwest. Folks have spoken up about Archer and other streets.  I welcome your constructive comments and ideas here. 

The next Mayor's Bike Advisory Council meeting is coming up in a few weeks. If you have issues you'd like me to raise there, please speak up here!

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I've had plenty of experience with 311 and find that the results vary quite a bit, depending on the type of request and sometimes the location of the problem.  I've found some bureaucratic black holes worthy of satirical treatment. 

For street lights out, potholes, graffiti and other very common problems, they're usually fairly efficient. YMMV, indeed.

The spoke routes are typically being done in phases, not all in one shot. Even if we don't get all of Archer in the next round, it's possible that we could get it in a future round. This has been true for Milwaukee, Vincennes and others.

I finally got some news on the Loomis bridge over the South Branch.  Good news: according to CDOT, they have decided to do concrete infill for better durability, instead of plates.  This would be similar to the Harrison bridge near the main post office. 

Not as good news: it is unlikely to happen this year.  Because Loomis is a functioning drawbridge and modifications to the bascule bridge and its counterweights need to be made to maintain function, the design process is much more complex than it would be for plates. The project is currently in the design phase now and might not start until next year due to the complexity of accommodating the added weight of the concrete.

This week I sent a correction to Google Maps which, amazingly, says that Archer west of Throop is a "Bicycle Friendly Road". I think my words were "By no stretch of the imagination could Archer west of Throop be considered a Bicycle Friendly Road." We'll see what happens.

What's Wrong With this Picture?

I agree that Archer is anything but bike friendly there. Hopefully that will change in the future, but we're definitely not there yet.

The more we inform them, the more useful Google Maps for bikes will be. It's a work in progress.

The next Mayor's Bike Advisory Council meeting is coming up soon.  Do you have issues that you'd like to have mentioned there?  Please respond as soon as possible.

Note that I previous got an answer about the Loomis bridge.   

If anyone would like to volunteer for bike traffic counts (either commute hours or weekend), respond here.  I can give you the info you need.

Thanks Anne, Could you please send me the link to the event and I'll add it to the calendar? Thanks!

There is no scheduled event yet, so there is nothing to put on the calendar.

There was some previous discussion about doing traffic counts, and we need to figure out desired locations and when people might be available.  I'm kinda underwater on organizing stuff, so I can't take the lead on organizing a broader effort.  I plan to do weekend counts at some locations south of 83rd St.  

I've done counts several times, so I have a form I could provide, along with instruction on how to do it. It's not hard. It just takes some attention to detail and patience.

Archer & Halsted would seem like an obvious location. We had a previous suggestion of Archer/Rockwell or Archer/Western. 18th & Canal and Loomis & Cermak could also be useful.

Thanks, if there's a way I can help via Chainlink, FB, and Tw with getting the word out, doing a post here and there, please let me know. I'd be happy to help you.

Now that we're past the busy holiday weekend - does anyone have issues they'd like to have mentioned at next week's Mayor's Bike Advisory Council meeting?

thank you!

i assume there's been enough beating of the "we need bike lanes on Archer" drum that i don't need to restate that :)

It would be great to get a status update on Loomis between Archer and Cermak and, more broadly, all the way north to Blue Island, where it links to bike lanes on Blue Island that have recently been restriped.

The bike lanes were removed for resurfacing last year and haven't been put back. Would be a great place for a protected bike lane, as it might have the side benefit of discouraging the drag races that apparently happen there.

Please raise the issue of extending the Vincennes bike lane south past 105th St.

And the issue of CTA buses idling in the SB bike lane of Vincennes just north of 104th St. every time I go by there.


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