Share your pics, videos, streets, stories of what you find in the bike lane of the non-bike variety that has an impact on your ride and/or your safety. I've decided to keep it a little more open ended - cars, snow, buses, garbage, cabs, etc. If they shouldn't be in the bike lane, go ahead and add it to this thread. Please be safe if you are taking pics or video! :-) 

My hope is that we can collectively build some evidence of what we see when riding in the city with the overall hope of better enforcement of "bikes only" and improving maintenance. 

Update: More Hashtags to Capture Vehicles in the Bike Lane

With popular hashtags:

#LaneSpreading (Chicago Bike Selling)

#ClearTheWay (ActiveTrans), there are many options to capture violations.

We think you should use ALL of them AND post your photos on The Chainlink. ;-)

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The woman who parked here asked me to erase this photo of her car, but I don't know how this dang iphone works! If y'all have any pointers that'd be great. 

And she has a low-number license plate. That just makes her more annoying. :-/

830 N. Milwaukee bike lane being used for construction parking. There is no 'road construction ahead' here, they simply closed the bike lane to park their cars. Contractor claimed to have a permit. The city permit contractor is Summit Design + Build.

Interestingly there is precedent for closing sidewalks/ lanes of streets for construction with a permit. Think of the half height concrete wall that was on the west side of Milwaukee at Damen/North for a while to deal with the scaffolding there fro the building being repaired. If its going to be for longer than - say a day - It would be nice to see better 'continuity' of the lane maintained and some signage warning the drivers that they'll need to allow for sharing/merging for a little bit. It seems that the orange 'cones' with the lights on top are exactly in the spot where you would want to start merging over, so its sort of  double whammy the way they've marked this one.

FWIW, the workers there with flags saw there was no traffic coming and waved me around. One of them said "I've got your back" as I went by. So that was cool. Much cooler than the cop in the County Sheriff's car down the road who pulled around me into the bike lane ahead of me, only to then decelerate to a stop and give me the stinkeye when I left the bike lane to ride around him. 

If there are people with flags now, it's better than it was this morning. That lane hasn't even been there for 6 months and as far as I can see it's been hijacked for construction parking. Milwaukee at Damen is a pretty garbage precedent but at least that wasn't taking over a bike lane so 3 cars could park.

Those guys are pretty nice and looking out for us in the morn.  Big excavators are loading materials onto dump trucks throughout the day in front of those parked cars.  It would be unreasonable to have them take the fence up and down many times a day.  The dump trucks come and go. Some days its closed, some its not.  I have always seen a flag person there in the morn for safety

Agreed. I got a pretty good laugh out of it Tuesday morning when they were directing cyclists to use the protected bike lane they created. They are making an effort to accommodate us.

As for using that space for parking, they have to park somewhere and as we all know, that TOD building does not/ will not have a lot of parking.

Do you know what company is running the job?  A positive shout out should go to them for recognizing the cycle traffic.

This happened to me on Dearborn a few weeks back.

I gave said Sheriff the single-finger-salute.

Kinzie bike lane, 6:15 pm or so on 2/18. Taxi was in the lane then the Mercedes pulled in to drop off a passenger - she was as entitled as one might expect from the make of car.

Double Whammy... In the bike land and the crosswalk.


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