How many other cyclists did you see on your commute this morning?

I'll start: 1.

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Some of us would be happy to send a few your way. :-)  I think there might have been more bikes on Milwaukee than there were cars.

I too saw none.  I got in a little late, but the rack in front of my building was empty.  Shocking.

18th to western had a few today, but I was slow rolling. Doing errands via Harrison though was kinda empty. Maybe everyone took today off from work because it was too pretty outside.

I must have been in the sweet spot. I saw bunches of cyclists most of whom were paying attention and enjoying the ride in. I was even charmed by the couple that was in front of me for a few miles and felt compelled to exchange a kiss every few stop lights. Today even the drivers didn't seem to be in too big of a hurry.

I came downtown later than normal. Couldn't believe how many cyclists on Kinzie around 8:30. Not that it was Critical Mass, but I was still like, "whoa."

Did you ride today? How many cyclists did you see on your commute? And what route do you take? :-)

I rode today.

I saw three cyclists this morning.

Here's my route...

living in oak park and working in des plaines so I saw: 2

Winter riders never cease to amaze me. Talk about tenacity. But Gort, I'm curious about one thing. Klaatu barada nikto?

Only two this morning. Not sure why, except maybe it was because I got a  late start.

#CHILFT north of 53rd street footbridge is a mess right now.

Last Friday (June 17) I counted 450 from 55th Street to the Museum Campus on the LFT.  I have no idea why there were so many.  About 1/6 had numbers.  Most looked like commuters.  I know it was the end of Bike Week, but imagine if we could get numbers like that on a regular basis!  Tuesday I counted 80 from 55th Street to Monroe.  Today I only counted about 25 from 55th to Monroe on the LFT.


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