Creepy "Psychiatrist, Booby-Trapped Oregon Bike Trails"

"A psychiatrist pleaded guilty Wednesday and was sentenced to 30 days in jail for planting booby traps that injured Oregon mountain bikers riding down national forest trails outside Ashland."

He walked his dog on the trail and didn't like sharing it with the mountain bikers.

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Very creepy. The area around Ashland is beautiful. How sad that he's been so unwilling to share it. Glad he was caught.

I've been reading about booby traps being set on the mountain bike trails in Palos. Pieces of glass buried in the trail with sharp ends sticking up vertically. 

"Disturbed" might be the appropriate term for this individual. It's sad to even consider that a person involved in the medical profession, and even worse, a mental health professional, would do something harmful like this to others. Very sad !


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