A good reason to fix potholes in the bike lanes promptly


Bicyclist impales neck on fence after pothole crash in NY on 7-19-15. Also, another good reason to keep wearing your helmet during very hot weather.

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On some streets in Chicago, the holes into the ground are replaced by humps above the ground!  Sometimes I wonder which is better.

There are some blocks in my neighborhood with so many patch-bumps that the holes might almost be an improvement. But not quite. ;)

You are 100% correct.  Chicago fixes its streets in the cheapest way with the cheapest materials, and it shows.  

If you feel unsteady, DON'T stand up.

Mike, it seems, the natural reaction one has after a fall is embarrassment and denial. Oops, I'm ok, i'll just jump back up and get back on like nothing happened. Your equilibrium is off after the fall and your adrenaline is numbing the pain for a few seconds you get up and BOOM, you go down. Stabilize first,(hopefully) then try to stand.


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