Mark your calendar - this is on the day after Memorial Day, so you don't want to forget it, and forget to attend!

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I went by there this evening, at the Bryn Mawr crossing.

Small signs were posted expressing OPPOSITION to changing the "natural" form of the trail!  So there may be more opposition than anticipated.

All the more reason to show up and support the CDOT in building this branch of the Weber Spur trail.

Other than what seemed like every bird watcher in the city being there and somehow also being assigned to the group that discussed the reach that will go through LaBagh Woods, the group seemed very supportive. While a few people mentioned wanting to keep the trail unpaved to combat 'cyclists flying through at 50 mph', the Deputy Commissioner from CDOT said that the only way to get Fed CMAQ funding is to pave it so that it can qualify as ADA accesible. Still a long ways from happening, but exciting nonetheless.

I don't think they understand that a crushed limestone trail can be just as fast.

It's for the birds!  It's for the animals!

Looking forward to this meeting- while I don't know that the Curbed report of this turning into the equivalent of the far northwest side's Bloomingdale Trail will come true, simply paving the trail so that it can connect to the North Branch Trail extension, the Sauganash Trail and (if extended via Lincolnwood) the North Shore Channel Trail seems like a no-brainer. 

"simply paving the trail so that it can connect to the North Branch Trail extension, the Sauganash Trail and (if extended via Lincolnwood) the North Shore Channel Trail seems like a no-brainer."

It could be enormously useful to so many people if that happens.

I'm not sure what affect, if any, this proposal would have on the planned Weber Spur Trail:

The longer this Weber Spur gets delayed the more opposition is going to develop.  The city needs to start work on this project NOW. 


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