This week Vote With Your Feet checks in with my old employers,
the Chicago Department of Transportation and Active Transportation
Alliance, to get updates on three current bike parking issues:
disappearing parking meters, the cancellation of the Grant Park bike valet
and U-lock-unfriendly racks at CTA stations.

Keep on walking, biking and transit-ing,

John Greenfield

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Thanks for the report. Just the other day I had one of those "oh shit...where am I gonna park my bike" moments and the impact of the new meters hit me. Fingers crossed.
Good piece, John. Thank you.
According to CDOT, the CTA bike rack locking mechanisms are currently being fabricated. Installation should begin next month. They don't have a timetable for completion, but they promise it will be this summer.
Maybe this kind of muckraking is fit for the Critical Mass Listserve, but I can't stand for our good friends at CDOT to be slandered this way.

Moderators: Hellooooooooo??


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