At the end of the day, a knit hat was left at the swap, by the entrance. If it's yours, let me know and I'll help get it back to you.


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I had lots of great conversations, as always, but turnout on Saturday was kinda low. I wondered if having it on Valentine's Day would have any effect. Seems like Saturday's weather put a dent in the numbers.

Do other folks have thoughts to share on Saturday's event?

I thought it was great fun (like a bike party!), and wonderful location/setup, but yes, low turnout perhaps because of the weather. I didn't bike there, and public transportation was bitter cold and more annoying than usual.

As a first-time individual vendor, I am SUPER HAPPY with the turnout and I love that my underused things will now go to good biking homes. 

Thank you so much Lee and Kevin and all volunteers for putting it on!

Another happy first-time individual vendor. Although I'm sure I would have faired better with a higher turnout, at the end of the day I was happy to have some extra money in my pocket. 


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