Chicago's own BFF Bikes nominated for best women's/female-friendly shop at Interbike this week!

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Are women discriminated against in regular bike shops?  I don't think so.  Why is there a bike shop catering to women?  Seems weird to me.

How are women discriminated against in bike shops?  And I can do without the personal attack which is a complete guess on your part.

Who said anything about discrimination?, BFF was born because two women saw a neglected area of the market and are doing their best to fill it. Congrats to BFF 

Exactly!  And a fine job they are doing, too.  Congratulations.  Can we help stuff the ballot box?

Michael A said:

Who said anything about discrimination?, BFF was born because two women saw a neglected area of the market and are doing their best to fill it. Congrats to BFF 

Yes!!! Congrats on BFF!

Lisa Curcio 6.6mi said:

Exactly!  And a fine job they are doing, too.  Congratulations.  Can we help stuff the ballot box?

Michael A said:

Who said anything about discrimination?, BFF was born because two women saw a neglected area of the market and are doing their best to fill it. Congrats to BFF 

Maybe it wouldn't seem weird to you if you were in any of the categories you list and actually DID experience discrimination. It's for real and it does happen.

But to steer this back on topic, BFF is about serving the needs of female cyclists - not always the same as what men need. Congrats to BFF for being recognized for what they do.

Davis Moore said:

I am a white, heteronormative, American male and I do not encounter discrimination in my daily life. Are others who are different from me discriminated against in their daily lives? I don't think so. Why are there programs that catering to women, minorities and gender queers? Seems weird to me. 

Congrats to them! Many of you on here helped them realize their dream during their Indiegogo fundraiser.


We're lucky to have a number of great bike shops in Chicago so it's pretty fantastic to see one honored for what they do. BFF Bikes is pretty awesome. Great customer service, super friendly, great products, etc. Michael said it best - they are serving an underserved market as well as educating on flat repairs, maintenance 101, and have a 30 member all-women racing team. Congrats Annie and Vanessa!! 

Good job BFF, keep up the good work ! My GF loves the shop ! She doesn't seem weird to me.

This may surprise you, but stores do this thing called "selling stuff."  Stores want to "sell as much stuff" as possible.  So if, say, you start a beauty supply store in Lincoln Park, do you think you would want to stock your limited self space with lots of hair products for African hair, or more products for Caucasian hair?

If a black resident comes to your store, is disappointed by the small selection of olive oil shampoos you politely show her, and opens up her own kiosk nearby to service the neighborhood's small number of black residents, with a vast array of straitening creams and... other things that I don't know about, would you say she only did it because of some false sense of discrimination?  And if, GASP!  the kiosk sold some race-neutral body lotion, would you whine that it's only because potential clients are filled with unjustified feeling of racism and are too afraid to use your shop, rather than conceding that a person in need of specialty shampoo might impulse buy some generic body lotion, which allow the shop to sell more stuff?

Anyway, congrats BFF!

Asper K said:

Are women discriminated against in regular bike shops?  I don't think so.  Why is there a bike shop catering to women?  Seems weird to me.


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