Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Delightful ride but strange in between weather.  It is hard to hit the right note in terms of what to wear and the garb that is just right for the morning may be too warm for the afternoon.  I pulled up next to a guy on Washington at Halsted.  He asked how my ride was and I said that it was delightful but the transition weather made it difficult to plan. As I locked up my heart was warm but my fingers were cold. I got to work and saw that a friend had posted about this period that is neither Winter nor Spring in her blog.

Two sweaters in the morning, one in the afternoon's been working for me this week.

I was more-or-less back to my winter gear today.  Over the weekend I removed the toe covers on my cycling shoes, and failed to put them back on until this morning.  My toes paid the price Monday and Tuesday.  I was fine this morning.  I may remove a glove layer and base layer shirt for the ride home. It will be nice when the morning temps break the freezing point of water.

I've been in my usual winter get-up the past couple of mornings and leaving a layer or two in the bag for the trip home.  Hopefully tomorrow starts a little warmer and follows through on the mid-50's getting predicted, meaning less to layer and wear in general.  Warm up already!

Ive been doing the same as some of you, keeping most of the winter gear on. My favorite part has been experiencing the full power of a vented jacket. Too hot? unzip ever zipper you can find! 

Most important, keep those long johns on! (Im just not ready to let go)

Yep.  Nice clear, crisp, cool morning for a ride.  Saw a bicycle lying on the grass ahead of me.  When I got near, I realized the cyclist was spread out, motionless, lying across a steam grate.  He must have spent the cold night outdoors.  I felt thankful for my better circumstances.  #30DOB

Oh Boy! Spring Has Sprung!! Cyclist are crawling outta there warm little caves and rejoining the fun... I have to re-learn how to share the bike lane. I get so spoiled in the winter having the lane almost to myself... Happy thoughts! More people on bikes, more drivers to expect 'us', thus more awareness... Happy thoughts! 

I, too, noticed many, many cyclists out this morning!  I think you are right, Jenn--we have turned the corner.

I think the prospects of a slightly nicer day brought some people out of the woodwork. On my train ride to work, I noticed 3 other bikes I had not seen in a while (or ever?) already bungeed down.

Heck, if it actually gets to 57 degrees like the weather says, I may actually attempt to ride the whole 15.5 miles from work back home!

Oh! I am also super excited I was to finally swap back on my clipless pedals from the platforms I had been using since November or so. Makes my riding a lot more enjoyable.

Nice riding today.

Beautiful commute home with a godly tailwind.

no gloves!!!


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