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Here is Chicago's own Second city cop on getting doored!

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Cameron, you post here a lot.  Judging by the amount of posts I see authored by you here, I think it's safe to assume you belong to maybe one or two other message boards on the internet.  Point is, you must know how the internet works by now.      

That said, it's a bit odd to see people like you and Joe ( I haven't seen him post as much as you) fall for such an obvious example of trolling.  It doesn't take a genius to realize a blog like this, which doesn't provide the authors/"Cops" name, is clearly trying to get a reaction out of people and nothing more.  Unless your aim is to give The Chainlink page views, you're doing no one a favor by re-posting that here.  Either way, big time fail.  Joe, same goes to you.  

I merely posted this to give you a Idea of the overal feeling of CPD toward cycling in general. 

Having read SCC from time to time... in my opinion, if SCC is truly representative of all of CPD, we have bigger problems than the attitude towards cycling. I'm inclined to believe this is not the case.

Just as we don't want all cyclists judged by the idiots among us, we probably shouldn't judge all 12k+ of the CPD by SCC.


This post is just ridiculous. A lot of people read SCC and I appreciate the effort and the intent in mentioning and posting this here.

Zoetrope said:

Cameron, you post here a lot.  Judging by the amount of posts I see authored by you here, I think it's safe to assume you belong to maybe one or two other message boards on the internet.  Point is, you must know how the internet works by now.      

That said, it's a bit odd to see people like you and Joe ( I haven't seen him post as much as you) fall for such an obvious example of trolling.  It doesn't take a genius to realize a blog like this, which doesn't provide the authors/"Cops" name, is clearly trying to get a reaction out of people and nothing more.  Unless your aim is to give The Chainlink page views, you're doing no one a favor by re-posting that here.  Either way, big time fail.  Joe, same goes to you.  

It is funny that whoever is managing that post seems to feel the need to keep explaining them self.

Cops gonna cop.

This is pretty much the reason I posted it

James BlackHeron said:

Cops gonna cop.

Could a dr mambohead satire on dead cops be far behind?

lets see... flip the script....

"a cop with a lot of close calls is either a) a shit magnet.... or b).... " blah blah blah on from there...

By the way? I can "police" myself. Evver-Luvvin! YOU need millions spent on cops to keep YOU from doing wrong? I do not need the actual socialism of a police officer... With their gravy pensions and free clothing, cars, segways and hats.... ShaZAM!! More money for bike lanes!!!!

This cop, who is really a drone for corporate consumption, should pack up the extreme bravery and valuable time he used to pick on the bold quarry he found in the grief of a fallen bicyclist and lower the scandelous murder rate of the city he is paid and supposedly sworn to serve and protect.

Exactly.  They're not all as anti-bike as you might think from this post.  I know some who are decent people who are looking out for us.  Some of them even bike commute to work like us.  Those folks aren't any happier about this troll behavior than we are.

Justin B Newman said:

Having read SCC from time to time... in my opinion, if SCC is truly representative of all of CPD, we have bigger problems than the attitude towards cycling. I'm inclined to believe this is not the case.

Just as we don't want all cyclists judged by the idiots among us, we probably shouldn't judge all 12k+ of the CPD by SCC.


We need to see articles like these to understand the real CPD. I'll be sure and bookmark this for the next time Gabe starts raving about how great cops are...

Exactly.  The stereotyping of cyclists reflected in the offensive SCC post is no more acceptable than our stereotyping of cops.  They run a full spectrum from ignorant jerks to well informed cyclists, just as we have among the cycling community.  Neither side is perfect. 

Jeff Schneider said:

My (limited) experience with CPD is that they have as wide a variety of knowledge/ignorance about bicycling as the general public.  I've had a cop not really care when I was hit by a taxi driver, but I've also had them stop to talk with me about my Pedersen bike...

The differences between a bicyclist and a cop are that bicyclists don't have a badge and can't legally beat people up, kidnap them, or even shoot them.

Bicyclists don't tend to back up other bicyclists, right or wrong, and collude to hide/destroy evidence or terrorize/bully witnesses into not testifying against them.  And if they get in trouble they don't get paid leave while things get sorted out.

But other than that, your comparison is valid. 

Anne Alt said:

Exactly.  The stereotyping of cyclists reflected in the offensive SCC post is no more acceptable than our stereotyping of cops.  They run a full spectrum from ignorant jerks to well informed cyclists, just as we have among the cycling community.  Neither side is perfect. 


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