The Chainlink

From an Uptown Update submission:

Another case I thought your readers might be interested in. You posted about a burglary from a building on Agatite last November where someone had gotten inside and stolen two bikes.  The cops were on top of it and found the guy a couple blocks away with the bikes.

Well, that turned out to be someone you've posted about before, Michael Greenstreet.  He'd just gotten out of prison a couple months earlier from another residential burglary in Uptown when he stole the bikes on Agatite.  So now he's back behind bars, sentenced to six years.  This was his tenth conviction of burglary.  He used to give his address as the REST Shelter, but his address is The Illinois Penal System for the next few years."

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That guy looks like Death warmed over.

Drugs are a motherfucker.

Have fun in prison crackhead.

If only crack were free...

Thanks for sharing the news.

Of course, if you follow that link, you'll see that just two years ago he was sentenced to eight years in prison for the last burglary conviction.   So I'd take that six-year sentence with a grain of salt.  

This game of plea-bargain/revolving-door is probably the worst criminal system possible.  They're basically locking him up just long enough to ensure he'll find it next to impossible to get his life together afterwards, but not so long that the residents of the area have any real protection.   Within two years, we'll probably be seeing conviction #11.

Out in 2... maybe sooner- he doesn't look like a well man.

At least he's off the streets for a while - better than nothing.

mike w. said:

Out in 2... maybe sooner- he doesn't look like a well man.

What i meant was he looks like he's already got one foot in the grave...

But, like bugs, if you get one another hundred are in the walls.

Anne Alt said:

At least he's off the streets for a while - better than nothing.

mike w. said:

Out in 2... maybe sooner- he doesn't look like a well man.

Well, the headline sounded good, and it raised my hopes that finally the justice system is taking bike theft seriously and this would make a really good precedent. But then the guy was obviously sentenced as a repeat burglar, rather than a persistent bike thief. Still waiting....

"Greenstreet" - that's an ironic last name for a bike thief.

Ha! Good point!

John Greenfield said:

"Greenstreet" - that's an ironic last name for a bike thief.

Cocaine is a hell of a drug.


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