Flyer to Instruct Taxis how to Share the Road with Bicycles

I found this little flyer while searching around- I wonder if they actually pass these out to the taxi drivers?

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Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:

The first step is for them to care.

According to this article on WBEZ, drivers earn more money the more the car is in motion. Changing that might encourage them to drive more safely, keyword, might.

"They click faster when you're moving then when you're standing, which means it's much more academically profitable for a cab driver to go like this and change lanes constantly, rather than sit there at the light or wait for the light," Krimbel said.

"They click faster when you're moving then when you're standing, which means it's much more academically profitable for a cab driver to go like this and change lanes constantly, rather than sit there at the light or wait for the light," Krimbel said.

Well it's all SIMPLE THEN!  That needs to change somehow.  I thought it was based on time...the time you are in the cab.


Tis the season when a taxi pulls over near the bike lane and a cyclist recieves the unwanted gift of dooring.

Michelle Gregorek said:


Adam "Cezar" Jenkins said:

The first step is for them to care.

That "avoiding dooring" graphic looks horrible, it looks like a picture encouraging them to violate the law.

Leaving enough room on the right to fully open a door is exactly what we complain about them doing and gets cab drivers a ticket when the passenger doesn't bother to look even if warned.

I'm not sure how to let out riders when there are parked cars. Find an open spot? Or pull so far right that the back door opens between two parked cars and no one can pass on the right?

I think cabs should be expected and allowed in a bike lane to drop off/pick up passengers.  It is then when the traffic behind should expect a bike to need the lane.  I just wish the cab pulling over would not feel the need to speed up past me, and then pull right over in front of me.  :(


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