

I'm curious if anybody anybody rides an adult trike in Chicago? If not, have you at least seen a tricyclist in Chicago?


Is there some sort of Chicago recumbent-cyclists' community?




Appleton, WI

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I know a few people in Beverly (far south side) who ride adult trikes. They are seniors riding for transportation, some because they can no longer drive. They generally seem to be riding for shopping or social outings.


Thanks for your reply. It's great that trikes exist in the city.


Also, many trikes are recumbent trikes. So, I'm also curious about the recumbent BIKE community in Chicago.

I'm hoping to bring my trike (sound cycle) to Critical Mass. I've seen a few there.

Unfortunately, the wide width of a trike's wheelbase makes them inaccessible to things normally ridden by standard bicycles.




Chris C said:

I own a Greenspeed recumbent trike.  I live in the western suburbs and NEVER bring it into Chicago.  Metra doesn't allow them and riding one on Chicago streets is well beyond my comfort level.


I see a lot of trikes out this way on the IPP, GWT, FRT, etc.  More so in the last two years. 


There are a few recumbent trike-specific discussion forums.  BentRiderOnline.com is one, there are others.

Hi Chris

Where do you ride? I'm a noob and looking for some quiet, easy locations



we have them out in the burbs of chicago along the prairie path.
I ride an adult trike because I'm recovering from a head injury.  I like it alright, I just miss my single speed.

I'm sorry about your head injury. Because your riding a trike, I assume that the head injury effects your balance too?


If you don't mind me asking, what happened?


Good luck on your recovery.

This is what happened. Very scary.

Cullen Carter said:

I'm sorry about your head injury. Because your riding a trike, I assume that the head injury effects your balance too?


If you don't mind me asking, what happened?


Good luck on your recovery.

I am on a recumbent trike five or six days per week, 52 weeks per year and have never missed a commute because of weather. I do not see many in the winter, but the summer brings them out in larger numbers.

I do not see a need to be with a group of recumbent trike riders; any bicyclist will do. 

Just to be clear ...

Adult trike:

Recumbent trike:

There is this one recumbent tricycle rider I just saw yesterday. His trike has a filing cabinet as a storage unit in the rear with a flashing yellow light attached to the top of it as his flag waves around. His vehicle has a smaller wheel in the front and he wears an asian rice picker straw hat. Perhaps people will remember him as he would ride with the Critical mass over the past 10 or more years.


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