Thanks everyone for making my FIRST century a great one and thanks John for the super ride!

I was about 75% sure that I was going to be able to make it, and 100% sure it wouldn't be due to overall physical exhaustion... I was thinking, if anything, it would be something mechanical or it would be a cramp in my thumb or a cramp in my shoulder, or something like that. Luckily, no such thing happened and we were able to enjoy pretty much the whole thing.

Maybe it's just me having never ridden such a distance before, but I just can't believe that within one ride, I was all the eff down by the Skyway, and then later at the Leaning Tower YMCA. 

Everyone was so friendly and chatty and wanting to share their nourishment, encouragement and beer. I met so many lovely folks and hope to bump into them again. Friend me here on this thang!

David and I bailed at about North Ave Beach partly because the ride had become something like a mad dash to the Handlebar (which was going to close shortly), and partly because we figured that, according to Marion's odometer, if we stopped and turned around for home at that point, we'd make the 100miles we wanted. We did make approximately 103. 

The ride was a super experience for this largely inexperienced rider, and I WILL be doing it again. 

Next year for the 10 year anniversary, I want teeshirts! Remember John: David and I offered to throw those together for ya, if you don't have a better idea. 

Shared some super tasty cookies with the crew (well, EYE thought so :)), and here's the blog they're at:

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Im curious if they are using a program like Shazam to analyze the soundtrack to figure out what song it is. I will try what you suggested Vando and see if I can strip any encoding off the song. I hope I succeed because the song I am using is f-ing perfect for the vid.

I love Built to Spill--which song?

The other cyclists were delicious!
Great ride everyone.. and yea all of us are delicious!

That was superbly fun! What a nice bunch of people you are.

I loved North Branch after dark, our Osterman Beach / beer stop, and tear assing all the way to the Handlebar down the LF trail. Sigh. I wish I had the Eye Care Indian on my own roof top in Logan Square. Oh...and a freezer full of Rainbow ice cream!

Thanks for organizing this ride, John.
Refreshing rainbow cone - yeah!

David606xx said:

Thanks for all the kind words folks. It was great meeting all of the new people
and everyone had a great attitude. Even though I've done versions of this ride nine times
now, the new faces make every year a fresh experience.

One thing that was nice about this year's ride was that my dad Roy, 74, riding my clunker
Schwinn Suburban, rode with us all the way to Pullman. He really enjoyed meeting you guys.
Thanks to those who escorted him after the group got separated.

My favorite parts of the ride this year were riding under the hydrant and seeing all the deer
close-up on the North Branch Trail at dark.

Live on the edge!

John Greenfield
David606xx said:
I love Built to Spill--which song?

I wanted to use Strange from the Ancient Melodies of the Future album (which was painfully perfect) but alas, YouTube and Warner Bros Music is now analyzing the audio of our videos and will not allow me to use it. Oh well, life goes on. Grandaddy it is then:


Ryan L said:
David606xx said:
I love Built to Spill--which song?

I wanted to use Strange from the Ancient Melodies of the Future album (which was painfully perfect) but alas, YouTube and Warner Bros Music is now analyzing the audio of our videos and will not allow me to use it. Oh well, life goes on. Grandaddy it is then:


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