Then you need to ride this bike:

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Until I see footage of him schlepping it up five flights of stairs to his apartment color me unimpressed.
It does appear to be relatively theft-proof, however.
Not bike, is trike.

Seems poorly geared and fitted for serious distance though.
sweet... creative and and well built...

Jennifer said:
Wow! Now THAT's a trike. ;)
love it, but it hurts to watch. raise the seat, at least.
My sentiments exactly. Looks very cool though.

Clark said:
Pathetic...not funny. Most of the benefits of a bike are eliminated.

Instead of trying to get bikes to out-compete cars in size and inertia, we should be designing light-weight cars fitted with bicycle wheels, bike seats, pedal assist...and getting 200+ mpg.
We could also stop hating fun and just see it as a cool toy.

I bet you hate tall bikes too.

Clark said:
Pathetic...not funny. Most of the benefits of a bike are eliminated.

Instead of trying to get bikes to out-compete cars in size and inertia, we should be designing light-weight cars fitted with bicycle wheels, bike seats, pedal assist...and getting 200+ mpg.
Clark, I think you missed the point of me posting it. Of course it doesn't have any practical application. It just shows some guy having a crazy idea and some welding skills

Clark said:
Pathetic...not funny. Most of the benefits of a bike are eliminated.

Instead of trying to get bikes to out-compete cars in size and inertia, we should be designing light-weight cars fitted with bicycle wheels, bike seats, pedal assist...and getting 200+ mpg.
Jeez, stereotype much?

Seriously, the thing is a parody of the very culture your decrying. It has no practical use.

Do you really think it's builder is compensating for a small penis?

Clark said:
Duppie said:
Clark, I think you missed the point of me posting it. Of course it doesn't have any practical application. It just shows some guy having a crazy idea and some welding skills

Mmmm...I'm not so sure. I think the appeal of this fat-tire monstrosity is subversive and is the "bigger-is-better" philosophy that has made the SUV so popular, and is why the yokels turn out for tractor-pulls and big-wheel monster-truck obstacle races. And is the reason this thing is generating the immediate interest and approval we see on this thread.

Check out the number of cyclists on the narrow bike lanes in the you think they are amused? Or enjoy seeing this thing coming at them? As I implied in another thread, these guys that enjoy "big tires, big toys" should check their deficiencies in other areas, before trying to compensate for their shortcomings on our roads.
WOW. Just wow. Does it hurt to be so damn serious all the time? I think the sucker is HILARIOUS. I'd love to take it for a spin.

Clark said:
Duppie said:
Clark, I think you missed the point of me posting it. Of course it doesn't have any practical application. It just shows some guy having a crazy idea and some welding skills

Mmmm...I'm not so sure. I think the appeal of this fat-tire monstrosity is subversive and is the "bigger-is-better" philosophy that has made the SUV so popular, and is why the yokels turn out for tractor-pulls and big-wheel monster-truck obstacle races. And is the reason this thing is generating the immediate interest and approval we see on this thread.

Check out the number of cyclists on the narrow bike lanes in the you think they are amused? Or enjoy seeing this thing coming at them? As I implied in another thread, these guys that enjoy "big tires, big toys" should check their deficiencies in other areas, before trying to compensate for their shortcomings on our roads.


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