When chainlink first started, every hundred members was a monumental.  Let's keep that going - Today we hit 3500 members!  Thanks everyone again for keeping this community alive.  I can definitely say that it has changed my life. 

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Gosh... Its seems like that was the number of last nights critical mass.
I think Chainlink needs a 'Like' button.
Thought I saw you on LivWell TV last night talking about winter biking??
3500 - yeah!!! I've been promoting it with Chicago Cycling Club, Friends of the Major Taylor Trail, and in other venues. I hope that's helped add a few new members.

Anne Alt said:
3500 - yeah!!! I've been promoting it with Chicago Cycling Club, Friends of the Major Taylor Trail, and in other venues. I hope that's helped add a few new members.
this is awesome.

I tell almost everyone I meet "you ain't got the stink if you ain't on the chain-link..."

Julie Hochstadter said:

Anne Alt said:
3500 - yeah!!! I've been promoting it with Chicago Cycling Club, Friends of the Major Taylor Trail, and in other venues. I hope that's helped add a few new members.
as Tony would say - W00t W00t!
I would agree! A life altering, like minded community has completely changed my social network. Thank you to everyone for your contributions of information, participation and a huge shout out to all the volunteers and their time spent improving our cycling experience in Chicago and beyond!


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