They don't weigh much, are charming, less rude than "on your left" and make people smile. I think all bikes in Chicago should have one. Two of my bikes have bells (including my road bike) and I can hardly believe I used to ride in the city without them.

Who agrees with me? What's your favorite kind of bell?

Mine are the Japanese brass ones, though the ones with a built in clock and others in the shape of a tiny teapot are rad too.

Go out to your LBS and get a bell for each one of your bikes!

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Love the bells! I just picked up the Japanese brass and they are so loud and much better and more pleasant than somebody shouting.
I find that it's especially effective with kids on the trail. They ALWAYS look to their right for some reason when you say 'on your left'.
I've been meaning to get a bell for my bike. The incredibell looks and sounds nice. Does anyone know where I can get one in West Town? I imagine during the first week or so I would be an overzealous bell ringer.
No one should pass on the right, right?!

Tank-Ridin' Ryan said:
I respectfully disagree with you.

I hate it when someone comes up from behind ringing his or her bell. I always say, "Doesn't tell me what side you're on." Ring your bell, then pass me on the right, and I'll be more pissed than if you said, "On your right".

Going across Iowa a couple weeks ago, many exchanges went like this:
"On your left"
"Thank you"
"You're welcome"

No one getting pissed off. Even saying "On your right"(which happened frequently with 20000 riding across IA) lets the person in front of you know that you're on his or her right, even though you shouldn't be if possible.

A major part of it is delivery though, like the way a car horn can sound friendly or like the most important person in the world is behind you.
I think you sold me! I usually pass like a stranger in the night, but I want to be more considerate in the future. What is the best kind? Sounds like the incredibell has quite the following.
I have been using mine regularly now. I love it, but I'm still a bit fumbly with it.
I think a stern "On your left!", "On your right!" or "Hold your line!" does the job just fine...

I just got a really loud whistle from REI. I save it for cabbies and iPod wearing folks crossing without
looking both ways before crossing. it scares the sh#t out of people . $5.00 well spent :

(Thanks martin h for the great idea btw)

Ali said:
I think a stern "On your left!", "On your right!" or "Hold your line!" does the job just fine...

This is an excellent idea but how do you make sure its easily accessible during emergencies?

daniel brown said:
I just got a really loud whistle from REI. I save it for cabbies and iPod wearing folks crossing without
looking both ways before crossing. it scares the sh#t out of people . $5.00 well spent :

(Thanks martin h for the great idea btw)

Ali said:
I think a stern "On your left!", "On your right!" or "Hold your line!" does the job just fine...

If I know Dan it never leave his mouth.

I would be terrified of wrecking with it in my mouth, swallowing it and forever speaking with a whistle in my voice.

alex said:
This is an excellent idea but how do you make sure its easily accessible during emergencies?

daniel brown said:
I just got a really loud whistle from REI. I save it for cabbies and iPod wearing folks crossing without
looking both ways before crossing. it scares the sh#t out of people . $5.00 well spent :

(Thanks martin h for the great idea btw)

Ali said:
I think a stern "On your left!", "On your right!" or "Hold your line!" does the job just fine...

doug you are 100% correct.

it also works for training winnie the wonder-destroyer around the house. and since he wants to demolish it -- all the more reason why it is always accessible. LOL


notoriousDUG said:
If I know Dan it never leave his mouth.

I would be terrified of wrecking with it in my mouth, swallowing it and forever speaking with a whistle in my voice.

alex said:
This is an excellent idea but how do you make sure its easily accessible during emergencies?

daniel brown said:
I just got a really loud whistle from REI. I save it for cabbies and iPod wearing folks crossing without
looking both ways before crossing. it scares the sh#t out of people . $5.00 well spent :

(Thanks martin h for the great idea btw)

Ali said:
I think a stern "On your left!", "On your right!" or "Hold your line!" does the job just fine...

I'm a fan of a loud but friendly "On your [left/right]!" and as I am passing exclaiming "Good [morning/afternoon/night]!"
I do like bells for most situations. Most people get the message quickly, and there's never a language barrier as there can be with "on your left." I'm not sure of all the shops selling Incredibells around town, but if you can't find the one you want, you might want to check out their web site for the full product line. You can even hear what each one sounds like. Pretty cool!

That loud whistle sounds great for cabbies and those clueless jaywalkers in the Loop who are texting or reading newspapers while they walk.

daniel brown said:
I just got a really loud whistle from REI. I save it for cabbies and iPod wearing folks crossing without
looking both ways before crossing. it scares the sh#t out of people . $5.00 well spent :

(Thanks martin h for the great idea btw)

Ali said:
I think a stern "On your left!", "On your right!" or "Hold your line!" does the job just fine...



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