Police say the man was weaving in and out of the bike lane in the 5300 block of North Milwaukee Avenue when he was struck by a minivan.

A man has died after he was struck by a van while riding a bicycle over the weekend in Jefferson Park.

Thomas Travers, 59, was weaving in and out of the bike lane in the 5300 block of North Milwaukee Avenue when he was hit about 4 p.m. July 24, Chicago police said.

He was taken to St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, where he was pronounced dead at 1:20 a.m. Monday, the Cook County medical examiner’s office said.

An autopsy ruled his death an accident, finding he died of multiple injuries from the crash.

Police said the 70-year-old man driving the minivan was not issued any citations.


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I wonder if he was truly weaving in and out of the bike lane, or if he was just riding around holes in the pavement, debris in the bike lane, and people opening car doors.  I don't expect the police to be ambitious enough to find out.


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