Sorry, the world’s biggest bike maker can’t help you buy a bike right now

TAICHUNG, TAIWAN — Because gyms are closed and we could all use a little more exercise; because we are avoiding buses and trains; because we are in need of outdoor group activities; or perhaps just because the pandemic has made us crave simple pleasures like the wind against our faces, bicycle sales are soaring around the world.

The result has been an international bike shortage. And the world’s largest bike maker, Giant, expects its supplies to remain tight for some time to come.

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The eBike thing is taxing the supply chains too as they touch on Bob.  Meanwhile (and this more of an option versus a recommendation for these specific units) there are still used

If the time of year was different (spring) this would be a great time for somebody who was trading up to a different type or brand. Kozy's, which I'm closer to for other reasons lately still has a few Giants listed on the website.  Whether it's the right model in the right size is entirely another matter, but:


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