Amtrak Swaps Buses For Hiawatha Line Trains Due To Coronavirus

Due to a declining ridership during the COVID-19 pandemic, Amtrak replaced daily Hiawatha trains with Thruway Bus service through May 25.

Across Illinois, Amtrak announced it has also suspended or modified service on the following routes:

  • Chicago-Milwaukee corridor service reduced to daily round-trips by Empire Builder Trains 7/27 and 8/28 and Amtrak Thruway Buses 3330 and 3339, April 24-May 25. Reservations required except for holders of current Hiawatha Multi-Ride Tickets. Hiawatha peak fare surcharge suspended.
  • Chicago-St. Louis corridor service reduced to three daily round-trips by Lincoln Service Trains 300, 303, 306 and 307 and Texas Eagle Trains 21/421 and 22/422.
  • Chicago-Carbondale corridor service reduced to two daily round-trips by Illini/Saluki Trains 390 and 393 and City of New Orleans Trains 58 and 59.
  • Chicago-Macomb-Quincy corridor service reduced to one daily round-trip by Illinois Zephyr Trains 380 and 383.
  • Chicago-Detroit-Pontiac corridor service reduced to one daily round-trip by Wolverine Trains 351 and 352.
  • Chicago-Holland-Grand Rapids daily service by Pere Marquette Trains 370 and 371 suspended.

Will the buses accommodate bicycles like the trains they're substituting?

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  I actually was able to get my bike on (under, with the luggage) a bus from Michigan once instead of riding the Wolverine, but, it was a bus I knew wouldn't be full.  This is probably a "call on a case by case basis" thing.  There isn't a ton of room under these buses. 


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