When asking around, I heard these three candidates are some potential good bike-friendly options:




Let's use this thread to discuss, bring in articles, quotations, and proof of bike-savviness. Cool?

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And your point being??

The acoustics in these chambers is fascinating.

Yes,  hello!  . . .Yes, he did! 

Black Chicago Has To Stop Chasing The Ghost Of Harold Washington

The spirit of Harold Washington won’t save Chicago.


From the article,

"If we want to honor (the spirit of) Harold Washington, let's look at how he legislated and governed. Take heed of those lessons."

Look closely...

Prekwinkle is endorsed by the public sector unions.  Lightfoot is endorsed by the private sector unions. 

How does Prekwinkle get an endorsement from the unions that represent the city and state-employed union workers?

I dunno — although former Governors Scott Walker and Bruce Rauner could probably break this down for you as they perfected the art of demonizing public sector unions.


Another pal, Mike, stopped by the Bucktown office to decorate the signs with blue bike wheel lights. Thanks Mike!

#TeamLightfoot  #BringinTheLight


posted 3-23-19  7:32pm

Lori early voted today and mingled with the other voters. Have you early voted?  16 minutes! That's the average total time it takes to early vote. Start to finish! Come in on Sunday, or up till Mon.4-1-19, and the friendly election judges will have you in and out in quick fashion. 

Another friendly bike-related pic.  :-)

Here's a pic of my pal Jimm riding his bike trailer for Lori Today.



I'm VERY sure that April 2nd is going to be a happy day for him and everyone else, including me, who supports Lori.  I thought Preckwinkle was bright and competent, but she has gone some distance towards convincing me otherwise in this campaign.  Lori's new commercial with her daughter is outstanding.   

https://www.instagram.com/p/BvK_fn3HVhD/  (0:30)

Yes Jim, here it is. 

Vivian, 11, is fabulous in this commercial. Maybe in the next one, they can be cycling. Still trying to convince the campaign for a photo op.

Given recent history, I will never be over confident about any election ever again. 

Everyone should remember to actually go to vote for the candidate of their choice. 

Early voting is now open!  Go Vote!  . . .

Idk, I'm not sold that Lori is not going to be another Rahm. Theres got to be a reason shes getting endorsed and/or tacitly supported by the Trump leaning crowd.

This article puts it well. https://southsideweekly.com/op-ed-lori-lightfoots-dark-promises-pol...


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