I moved today from D.C. to Bethesda. Shorter commute to work (still bike/metro), quieter (my DC neighborhood was a little too heavy on the party, and I’m saving $$$.
Before settling on a location, I wanted to make sure I’d still ride every day and live in a place that doesn’t require a car to enjoy restaurants, grocery shop, and get around.
As I’m resting after a long day’s move, I was wondering how many of you consider your bike and rideability into where you live? Have you left a place that was problematic for riding? Been draw. to a location because it’s more bike and walking friendly? Please, share your thoughts and stories.
I stayed in my last job much longer than I should have stayed. That job had a shower and I was able to bring my bike up to the office rather than lock it outside.
Matters a lot to me. Every aspect of every job I've had - I've had to ride the bike because I wanted to. I did quit a job in Wisconsin because the manager told me to stop riding and drive my car. F that.
That's weird. Why did you boss care how you got to work?
It is a huge factor for me/us. I actually ask to see the bike storage room as I have lived in apartments with too few stalls for bikes to be locked.
I have also not accepted jobs because I couldn't lock my bike inside. I'm not going to be concerned about my bike all day.
I love my area in Ukrainian Village! But if I had to move, I would want there to be cycling and public transit easily available. But for a job, well, if I didn't have a job before, I think I would just want the job no matter where it is. But definitely prefer to either bike or commute by bus or train to work!
I need to ride on a car free trail.
I need bike friendly mass transit.
I need bike lanes or roads free enough of cars to ride safely.
I need to be able ride to a beach or very large fresh water lake.
I need to bring my bike into my apt not a "bike room" or "banned" to use a bike rack outside.
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