The Milwaukee Avenue corridor is one of the most heavily biked in the entire country, but—as many cyclists know all too well—a stretch through Wicker Park can feel like a gauntlet run due to the lack of bike lanes.

Active Transportation Alliance released a petition on Tuesday to urge city officials to support the call to expand bike-lane installation along Milwaukee Avenue in Wicker Park and Bucktown. Citing Chicago Department of Transportation stats, the Alliance notes that, between 2011 and 2015, there were 195 crashes in which cyclists were hurt, plus 74 reported dooring crashes along the stretch.

CDOT and local officials are right now looking at a series of "low-... to make safer the neighborhood's main intersection of Damen, Milwaukee and North, plus some surrounding areas. Those recommendations include paint/post curb outs, additional crosswalks and a reduced speed limit—all smart ideas, which ATA supports as well. They're just hoping, as are we, that we can get those much-need bikeways, too. 

Sign the Milwaukee Avenue petition here.

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I signed a similar petition a few years back. I thought it was for that particular stretch. Now even as then it is a major disappointment. What they propose will not get rid of the dooring threat. I'll go ahead and sign this one also. Anything to make it better.


Couple weeks ago I saw new lanes being painted in on Milwaukee Ave. between Irving Park and Lawrence.


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