T.C. O'Rourke


Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
Road, Mountain, Hybrid, Cruiser, Track, Fixed Gear, Tandem, Folding Bike
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Exercise, Commuting, Distance, Around Town, My job involves biking, My business involves biking
What brings you to The Chainlink?
My other websites (twitter, facebook, pinterest, Google+, blogs, etc.):

Comment Wall:

  • Anne Alt

    If there's a "full" banner on that 11/23 class, it would seem to be an invisible one.
  • Danielle

    Hey T.C.! How are you?
  • Danielle

    Nope, I was in Michigan. Did you?
  • Danielle

    Detroit, mah hometown. I was too busy eating all the food I could fit into my mouth at one time to mass. What a shame!
  • Matthew Kutz

    hey man, we don't know you guys but my friend and I are interested in heading out to the brewery with you guys. is it cool if we join up?
  • Matthew Kutz

    just me and my buddy simz. see you there.
  • Rubani

    Kelly? She'd totally do Three Floyd's Ride! I should have invited her earlier.
  • littlebirds

    I'm going to gauge my participation by how much precipitation is happening in the morning. Don't wait for me at Daley Plaza! I'm definitely down for a brew pub ride later in the spring too. I've missed out on these for way too long!
  • Joe Marinaro

    just got home from work!
    see you at Daley Plaza !!!
  • Michael Simoneau

    Just added photos to my page of this weekends trip.
  • Joe Marinaro

    I put up a few pics from Saturday.
    lessons learned:
    buy better foot gear, don't bring heaviest bike, put helmet cam on before hands get too cold to do it!
  • John

    Don't forget the fried onions!
  • Active Transportation Alliance

    You didn't get your map? Very sorry, sir.
  • CITGO Cycling

    More like gatorade. The company supports our team. The team is dedicated to the cause. Its all good.
  • JJ

    Hey there!! How are ya? Hope all is well, and hope that you can help me out with something. Some of the cycling sisters might be planning a ride out to 3 floyds in april. Can you suggest a good route to take out there?
  • nervousjay

    Hey, TC!! Thanks for the link this past weekend! We made it to 3 floyds on Saturday, with five minutes to spare before the rain hit hard:D..all in the name of good beer, eh??:).. Thanks again! Talk to you soon.
  • Falon

    T.C. Have I ever told you that you are my hero?
  • Matt Roben

    I got mine from Europe about 12 years ago, you can find them used occasionally, there isnt a whole lot available on this side of the ocean however so you would likely need to also look over in Germany or Switzerland... If you truly want one I could get you in contact with the person I know who would be your best bet...
  • Matt Roben

    Mine was brand new and built custom to my size- after shipping and everything it was a little under $2000- that was 12 years ago. You could definitely find a used one and it should be less than $1000. Luckily they are fairly hardy bikes and I have only had to replace tires and spokes, all of which I can find at any LBS
  • jessiejane

    Fiery Furnaces were sold out! I delivered your magazines safely though, I promise!
  • Erin

    Hey T.C. -

    Turns out Peirogi Fest isn't the only place leaving the UP off the map. From NPR's All Things Considered:

    All Things Considered, July 15, 2009 ยท Michigan State Rep. Michael Lahti is sponsoring legislation to mandate that the entire state be shown on official state publications. The move follows a tourism commercial produced by the state that omitted the Upper Peninsula, which makes up one-third of the state. Lahti discusses his legislation.

  • Carolyn Hoerdemann

    so sad I had to miss
    I am glad you found everyone. I hope you had some extra starch for me
  • Carolyn Hoerdemann

    I hope you had enough pierogis for me too...
  • Ron

    Hi, TC, i'm mostly in and out during winter months. Sorry I can be hard to catch. Feel free to call or txt. me,when you're going to be in the vicinity.
    Thanks, Ron
  • Spencer "Thunderball" Thayer!

  • igz

    Interested in being the Route Master for the Starved Rock Ride?
  • Shawn C.

    Almost stayed, but then I thought about the bills that had to be paid. Had a great time - hope see you on future rides or at the bars (whichever comes first).
  • KatieP

    Haha - we made it back, most likely due to the Metra...
  • Michelle Green

    I'm so glad somebody appreciates these things! Also, I can't understand why Blockbuster would have let me rent this movie even once: