Matt Roben


Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
Road, Fixed Gear, Tandem
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Exercise, Commuting, Distance, Competition / Racing, Around Town, My job involves biking
About me:
I am a professional circus performer, my specialty is acrobatic bicycle and I ride bikes every day of the year to get around town. I also do triathlons- I just got married and my wife and I registered to buy a road tandem which we just got... ITS AWESOME.
My other websites (twitter, facebook, pinterest, Google+, blogs, etc.):

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  • Kellie

    Hells yes! I see an Uptown influenced ride in our future!
  • Kellie

    I believe its about time for an Uptown ride!!
  • Kellie

    Uptown ride...Uptown ride...Uptown ride...