Matt Roben


Chicago, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
Road, Fixed Gear, Tandem
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Exercise, Commuting, Distance, Competition / Racing, Around Town, My job involves biking
About me:
I am a professional circus performer, my specialty is acrobatic bicycle and I ride bikes every day of the year to get around town. I also do triathlons- I just got married and my wife and I registered to buy a road tandem which we just got... ITS AWESOME.
My other websites (twitter, facebook, pinterest, Google+, blogs, etc.):

Comment Wall:

  • John

    Welcome aboard! I'd seen your site some time ago; what are the odds we'd run into you on a ride?
  • T.C. O'Rourke

    Hi Matt--

    We haven't met, but I'm wondering where I might find an artistic cycling bike. Did you import yours?
  • T.C. O'Rourke

    Somehow I knew you wouldn't say "I got it at Sears".

    Next time I go to Europe, I may try to bring one back, but they're pretty pricey from what I've seen-- $3,000 and up (new). I think the odd parts might be an issue as well. 25" wheels with sew-ups, no?

    I might try to have one built with more American standard parts.

    Pretty cool though...
  • Matt Roben

    So last Friday I am returning to home from Waukegan via Metra and the ornry train conductor tells me I CANNOT take my bike with me due to Lollapalooza. I ask him how I was allowed to take it on this morning to get here and he tells me that was up to the discretion of the conductor. I ask him if he can wait for me to lock up my bike and replys to me- if you hadn't been arguing with me this whole time you could have already been back on the train- and proceeds to leave without me. Since the train only comes once an hour, I decided that a 40 mile commute home in the rain on my bike was the only acceptable alternative. What is wrong with people that the only power they can wield is over people and their bikes... PATHETIC. Never the less, just under 2.5 hrs later (with a head wind of course) I managed to get home. BASTARDS!