Wendy Gaddey


Waukegan, IL

United States

Profile Information:

What I ride:
Road, Mountain, Cyclocross, Track
The kind of riding I do:
Recreational, Exercise

Comment Wall:

  • Jim "Niterider"

    Congrats, The Chic Train has arrived! So Wendy, you and the gals are all joining the Chainlink. Welcome, I ride past Alberto's all the time coming back from Chicago. Wish you were open at 3:30 a.m., I would stop in and buy some Cliff bars and bloks. I am sure I will run into you folks out on St. Mary's road hauling ass, and making a scene. I ride out this way coming in from Kenosha going south. I
    I know Franco Pandino from the Kenosha Velodrome, he represents the shop well and is a great guy to know. Get out and ride this Tuesday as it will be almost 60 F. I hope to down that way; maybe I will stop in. See ya, Jim
  • Jim "Niterider"

    Hello again Wendy. You need to post some of your bike photo's of you in action. I would imagine Francine has been getting you ladies ready for racing by riding trainers and rollers. Do you swim also Wendy? The comon compliant that I always hear from gals is they get a big ass on them from biking. I try to tell them that is normal but they say I am full of crap. Swimming helps to even this out you ask me. I was out swimming in Lake Michigan on Moday and thought I saw you. I was in my dry suit looking tough! Water was only 35 F at surface. You should see the looks that I got from people on the beach. The gal that I thought that may have been you was riding in Alberto's gear on a Moots cross' bike. She was chearing for me and said that I looked like I was cold. I told her that I was like a baked potato on the inside. Only item that was cold was my face. I needed to get out since riding inside is getting to me. I have rode almost 3,000 miles over the last 3 1/2 months and am ready for some outside ass kickings to begin. What bikes do you currently own? I usually know the rider by bike before face. If that was you you looked buff and tuff! I do not know anyone around here that rides all year. You looked like 140-150 lbs. You had on lobbster claw mitts, a pair of Sidi winter boots, LG tights. Yellow/black Giyro road helmet. You impressed the hell out of me. And I will take you up on the shot bloks next time I am by. Nothing is ever open early in Highland Park. You gals have to try night riding; you do not know what you are missing. Neat being out on St. Mary's and seeing all of the cool animals. March is hear now and maybe I being seeing ya soon on the road. Jim
  • Barry T

    there'll never be another you