Mountain Biker Killed by Grizzly Bear by Glacier National Park

Grizzly bear kills mountain biker near Glacier National Park
A grizzly bear attacked and killed a 38-year-old mountain biker as he was riding along a trail just outside Glacier National Park, Mont., authorities said. Brad Treat and another rider were in the Halfmoon Lakes area of the Flathead National Forest Wednesday when they apparently surprised the bear, Flathead County Sheriff Chuck Curry said. The bear knocked Treat off his bike, and the second rider left to look for help, Curry said. Authorities found Treat’s body at the scene, but not the bear. He was a law-enforcement officer with the U.S. Forest Service. Wildlife and law-enforcement officials were searching for the grizzly Wednesday evening.

Montana authorities say a grizzly bear attacked and killed a bicyclist riding in the Flathead National Forest just outside Glacier National Park.

Flathead County Sheriff Chuck Curry told The Associated Press the person was killed Wednesday afternoon about a mile from the West Glacier KOA campground.

He did not identify the person killed or immediately provide additional details about the circumstances surrounding the death.

Curry says authorities are looking for the bear.

The campground is about 3 miles from the park entrance at West Glacier.

Bear attacks in the area are rare. Park officials say there have been 10 bear-related human deaths in Glacier since the park was created in 1910.

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Of all the things.... This has been a miserable month for cyclists.

Miserable month to be poor, black and live in a number of neighborhoods on the south and west sides of Chicago too. Focus defines perspective.

By narrowly focusing on these relatively few cycling fatalities (although it is quite possible that there are others unreported here) from across the entire United States, one can develop a rather distorted perspective. How many pedestrians/hikers/wheelchair-enabled have been killed during this same period? How many motorists have died behind the wheel? For that matter, how many motorists or passengers sitting in their cars have been shot on the streets of Chicago?

I keep thinking in particular of the 3 year-old boy, Devon Quinn, who was shot while sitting in his CAR SEAT in Woodlawn on Father's Day. Although he father was with him and attempted to shield his son, neither were intended targets. However, Devon is paralyzed. I'll freely admit that this one incident totally distorts my perspective.

Thanks for the reminder and perspective. What happened to Devon is heartbreaking. 

I was actually responding to Jim Reho's comment, not the bear attack story specifically.

Although I didn't "stop" with Chicago (the first question regarding peds/hikers/wheelchair pilots and motorists was national in scope), I came back (so to speak) to Chicago because I live here with my wife and two sons. Although I can't answer how many people died in TURKEY (it's a big country, you know) but by last count 42 were murdered in Istanbul airport (vs. 49 at the Pulse in Orlando.) Furthermore, for those who are keeping score at home, it's 71 murders in the month of June in our City of Chicago. 71. And today / June is not over quite yet.

So, jeesh, man.

There are thousands of people that have been dying in the Middle East due to terrorists and violence in their region. While the airport in Turkey had fewer casualties, most of the deaths that happen in that region don't receive very much concern or attention by the media over here. What happened in Turkey at the airport is worth mentioning in the context of this digression because, like gun violence in America, it is part of a much bigger problem. I don't want to minimize that issue - what's happening in Chicago is horrific. That said, I feel like this discussion has gone down a bit of a rabbit hole... 

This is a cyclist website with cycling-related topics which is why I shared the post about the grizzly bear killing the cyclist.

Yes, a rabbit hole. For that, I apologize.

No worries, we all have them. :-) 

How can you begin to know what affects me, Michael?? Speak for yourself.

Grizzlies, black, and brown bears don't give a scat about our white privilege. Sad but true.


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