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and now sometimes there is on the metra, too!

Report from the first day of service:  Both the outbound and inbound trains had one car with 30 spaces for bikes, and one car with 15 spaces for bikes, for a total of 45 spaces for bikes.   The bike holders take up one side of the car, and there is seating on the side, thus one can sit next to one's bike.  The bike holder is a system where you put your front wheel into a slot and then a clamp comes down on top.  It works well and is easy to use.  However, you have to have a bike that will work with the holder, and that isn't longer than a typical bike, since anything longer than the typical will block the aisle.  So, don't even bother trying to bring the tandem on.  The conductors didn't give us any trouble.  We met two other bikers on the train.

It took them long enough but already South Shore DOMINATES Metra in bike friendliness and simply COMMANDS respect.  Piling your bikes in the wheelchair area now seems so primitive.  There is less ambiguity in the system as well, instead of dealing with the whims of the conductor.  As long as there are slots open for bikes, you'll be let on, and if they are all full, you won't!

Article from NWI Times about first day of bikes on SS. The weather made opening day pretty underwhelming.

Had my first bike on SS today.  Nice setup and no need to pile it into the handicapped spot like Metra.  Even though it was warm today only one other bike I saw other than the three from the group I was on.  Hopefully interest will pick up but not too much.

Hopefully, interest will pick up and cyclists will prove this trial period to be successful enough for the South Shore to expand service. This would be positive for all in our cycling community.

Thanks for information!

Thanks for the reports.

Are the front wheel holders wide enough to take a bike with a front rack?

No.  Depending on the exact geometry of your front rack, your front rack may clear the mechanism and be ok, but many front racks won't work with the holder.  The top of the clamp rested on the tire just in front of my front fender.  If your rack extends past that, it may interfere with the clamp.   The only way to know for sure it to go test it out, but be prepared to remove the rack if it doesn't work.

Also, the South Shore is claiming that it won't accommodate tires wider than 2.5", but you can always deflate your front tire.


Thank you.    I look forward to trying the service later this year. 


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