...without using the lakefront path - I was thinking King Dr. (from 51st) to loop - then Milwaukee -I really just need the best route to the loop- any help is appreciated.

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Take king drive north to 35th st. head east on 35th to halsted st. north on halsted to milwaukee ave. north west on milwaukee ave...
26th is also good: has a bike lane and a lot less Sox traffic
dont move to hyde park and you be aight
It's too late iggi! Also, we're fighting next time I see you.

iggi said:
dont move to hyde park and you be aight
I like King Drive north to 31st, west to Wallace, north to 26th, west to Halsted, then go north on Halsted.

31st keeps you clear of most White Sox traffic. Wallace is a pleasant low-to-medium traffic street with no buses. 26th is reasonable. Halsted is decent except for the now-dense area between the 16th St. viaduct and Roosevelt, and all the stoplights in Greektown.

If you want to skip the Greektown stop-and-go, try going west on Taylor, north on Loomis, west on Adams, then north on Damen.
Just curious why not the lakefront? It's pretty clear between Hyde park And the loop except for a little stretch south of the 35th st beach
Nicely said, H3. Because Chicago is a grid, there are many ways to get there, just as there are many ways to carry out the will of HaShem. Some ways might get you there faster, but other ways have their own advantages, like a quieter, more scenic route, or that little corner store that has exactly what you need, just when you need it.

h3 said:
Video_Drome said:
This is getting redic....

no one can read a map? this is like the 40th one of these posts.

It's a little spiritual ritual we practice here, VD. It's the modern urban equivalent of your forefathers sitting around the sabbath table after a meal debating the finer points of chassidic law.
We dig deep into these issues, trying to get to the kernal of truth in regard to the best way to ride a bike from one place to another. And then when Sunday comes we just go and do what we would have done anyways, tabling the debate for the next sabbath.
Perhaps you will someday become one with us and accept our beliefs, and understand.
I meant 31st St not 35th oh well... Another route I like is taking 51st to Union St. and head north on Union. Be warned Union dead ends I think at 42nd ya just have to go around the park and pick it up on the other side then its smooth riding all the way to 26th st where ya can pick up halsted... Also beware of some HUGE pot holes on Halsted at the bottom of the incline of the railroad overpass right before ya come up on Milwaukee...

Chuck a Muck said:
Take king drive north to 35th st. head east on 35th to halsted st. north on halsted to milwaukee ave. north west on milwaukee ave...
But then ya have a long haul west from the path on some very unfriendly streets to get to Logan Square...

S said:
Just curious why not the lakefront? It's pretty clear between Hyde park And the loop except for a little stretch south of the 35th st beach
Chuck a Muck said:
But then ya have a long haul west from the path on some very unfriendly streets to get to Logan Square...

Fair enough

Toe ta toe!! by the way...you still got that smoke box? i fergot to take it that night

DonRay A.K.A. Zesty said:
It's too late iggi! Also, we're fighting next time I see you.

iggi said:
dont move to hyde park and you be aight
hyde park to logan square has been my route to nookie more times than i can count. i think i got this. there are simpler routes, but i think the zig-zags liven things up a bit.

1. take 51st west to Drexel.
2. go north on Drexel until either Oakwood (if you prefer bike lanes, albeit with plenty of bumps, nice old houses and tree-lined streets) or 43rd (a bit smoother, not much car traffic, kinda barren, wide lanes but no bike markings). i prefer oakwood, but it does entail either a short sidewalk-jog around a fountain, or cutting over a block early.
3. go west on Oakwood (or 43rd) to King Drive
4. north on King until 35th
5. west on 35th two short blocks to Giles
6. north on Giles to 33rd
7. west on 33rd to Halsted (i posit that 33rd is the absolute best east-west cross through the bridgeport/bronzeville area. it has slower/less traffic than both 31 and 35, and it has a marked sharrow. 31st is kinda desolate, while 35th has plenty of activity but not necessarily the kind you'd want to ride your bike through. 33rd, on the other hand, has a lot of tree-lined, residential, IIT-campus kinda riding.)
8. north on Halsted to Milwaukee/Grand
9. NW on Milwaukee to Logan Square

going TO hyde park i wouldn't bother with the 35th/Giles leg, opting instead for 33rd to King. but if you're northbound, it's a lot easier to make a left turn onto 35th (major intersection, marked turn lane) instead of 33rd (when you'd potentially have to make a quick merge left across 4 lanes of speedy King Drive motorists). the short ride up Giles from 35th to 33rd is pretty and residential.

OH and if you just need to get to the loop, forget going west to halsted. take king drive north past the convention center, where king will curve west into cermack (2200 S). go west on cermack until you find the most convenient street for going north on (depending on your loop destination).


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