Should we do the CCM Polka Ride yet again this year, or something else?


Chicago Critical Mass has ridden the proposed Polka Ride route for more years than I can remember -- it's going on something like its 15th anniversary. Last year's ride to the Red Line Tap in Rogers Park to hear the Polkaholics was a good time, as always.

The Polkaholics want to know if I want to propose another Polka Ride to the Red Line Tap this January. However, I'm thinking it might be fun if someone came up with a new idea for a January ride, perhaps something totally different.

On the other hand, if people want to stick with tradition, I'd be happy to work with the Polkaholics to book another gig that coincides with CCM, probably at the Red Line Tap again, and propose a route map. Of course, that doesn't mean that the Mass will necessarily ride the route.

What are your thoughts -- any ideas for a new kind of January ride? Or should we stick we tradition and plan another Polka Ride?


John Greenfield

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I'm OK with this perfectly pleasant tradition.

Polkaholic power! Sto lot! (Long live!)

I love Don and those guys a bunch, but if that should fall through-

I'm sure they could work something out for a larger group, like keep the bar open after the show. Just ask for Bill and tell him I sent ya'.

(Full disclosure/shameless plug- I'm the bass player in the show.)


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