So my son is now 13 months and a little on the large side. How young is too young for popping him in a bike seat? Which seat should I get - the front one? What's a good helmet? Thanks!

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I have my toddler son in a Yepp seat on the front of my bike. I love it. I can talk to him while we ride. However, my knees knock into it sometimes because of the dimensions of my bike, which isn't ideal. He'll need to be move to a back seat soon. I think 33 pounds is the limit for my front seat. Yepp also makes a rear seat. You could look at the weight requirements for that seat. I popped my son on my bike at 9 months. Once a child can sit up very well and they fit in a helmet, you can bike with them. The range is usually between 9-12 months for getting them on the bike if you are comfortable. 

My son has a Bell helmet, but it's just ok. I'm actually hoping to get him something else so I'll be interested in what others respond.

Thanks Kelly! I'll look into the Yepp. I'm also thinking about building up or buying a smaller vintage bike with fat tires as a dedicated baby tourer :) if anyone has suggestions I'd love to hear them too.

So money being no object, get a cargo bike and use your regular car seat right now for the baby. I have a Bullitt and many folks I know have various Dutch-style cargo bike and they love them. You don't have to worry about the baby's weight or height and you can use the bike well into childhood.

That said, a great cheap option is an extra-cycle kit with a rear seat specific for that set-up. I wouldn't recommend using a front seat, as any kind of crash or fall will be more dangerous for your child, as you can fall on them too.

I bought the Thule RideAlong when REI was having their annual sale. I can't wait to use it next month when my little monster is finally 9 months. I was looking at the lazer p'nut helmets for him because they have this cool spring loaded auto-fit system (there's also a MIPS version if that's your thing). I have the adult MIPS version and love it. I think BFF carries the kid's version and I know Rapid Transit would be happy to order one and let you test the fit.

First, congrats on the little guy. 

Manufacturers recommend waiting until 12 months before going on rides, so you are on the safe side at 13 months. I like the front seats because you can keep an eye on them and the center of gravity is better centered around you than the rear of the bike. 

Have you considered a Burley? My first and middle kids (now 5 and 3) loved the Burley so much sometimes they would fall asleep in it. When my youngest was born I took the two of them all over the place in the Burley. Some of my best memories as a dad involve taking them around in the Burley. We took it all over on all kinds of trips. It gives the kid a ton of room and you can bring tons of stuff. Once on Halloween we even strapped a bale of hay on the top of it.

As for a helmet the best helmet is the one that fits and the one that he will wear. Kids are picky about that stuff as you know by now. Good luck!

+1 for the Burley.  We had a Yepp back seat, and it worked well, but it was on my wife's bike and she never liked how the extra 20+ pounds (which only got worse as our toddler grew) imapcted the handling.  We've been using a trailer on the regular for the past year, and it just works better for us.

Ok, yes I'm gonna be looking into a Burley... thanks for the feedback. I guess my only concern is where to put it... we live in a apt building...

My 14 mo old rides in our Chariot with his older sister.  I deliberated between a seat on my bike and the trailer.  Neither is ideal - I would have bought a cargo bike if I had the $$ - but I went with the trailer for stability and versatility (it's also a stroller and jog stroller). It works great - honestly the biggest issue I have is routing my rides to insure the safest streets.

And I agree with PP re: helmet - just finding one they will keep on is the challenge in my house.  I found distracting him so he doesn't know I'm putting it on is the only chance I have of him keeping it on.

Chariot? Is that like a Burley?

Yes, it's a bike trailer like a Burley, but a little higher-end.  They are now called Thule (they got bought out) and are available at REI.  I love our Chariot - it changes from a bike trailer, to a stroller, to a jog stroller, to a cross-country ski trailer.  It does it all - you just have to pay $75 extra for each attachment, but it's cheaper than buying a whole new stroller.


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