The project which will add a contra-flow bikelane on Glenwood from Ridge to Foster was announced today by alderman Harry Osterman

A public meeting was announced for Wednesday June 10th, 6:30pm at Edgwater Baptist Church, 1402 W Hollywood

I am personally excited because this will create the first safe and legal southbound route between Winthrop and the UP-N tracks.

Hope to see you all there!

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I couldn't make it. My 3 month old infant became an obstacle. I have sent an email to Harry explaining how this proposed bike lane will improve my commute (which currently includes me picking up a 2 year old by bike). 

Don't worry. There were actually 2 kids that spoke up. A 10 year old boy, and a younger girl. Both received around of applause.
There was also an older woman who made a passionate plea in favor of bikelanes.
It was truly an 8 to 80 audience in favor.

Thanks for the heads up, Duppie- we'll be there in support.

You might be able to find accident statistics somewhere to compare.  I'd imagine the # of citations given for blocking the bike lane to be negligible, if not non-existent. 

I'll be there for sure (though it's annoying having to take time away from my family to fight the NIMBYs. Sigh).  This is sorely needed. I take Glenwood to Ridge, then Ridge to Broadway every AM as it's way faster than taking Broadway all the way down (diagonal).  There's a spot where I have to take the lane as the left turn lane at Hollywood has a turn arrow, and it's red when the right lane (straight) is green.  I'm ok with it, as I do about 20 mph, but if I wasn't fast I definitely wouldn't do it. Only other option is to take a right down Wayne, but you still have to go back to Broadway or Glenwood, as you run into Foster. Really a good thing for slower, young, or inexperienced riders. 

Are there any data re. bike traffic, accidents, etc. on these lanes?

CDOT presented some accident data at the meeting; unfortunately I'm not sure that the slides are online anywhere but you could probably e-mail Mike Amsden. I think there was one accident on Ardmore with someone turning into an alley and hitting a cyclist, another where a cyclist was rear-ended at a light (going in the non-contraflow direction), and I think a few other accidents that didn't result in injuries. But that's just from memory.

Those NIMBYS have been very vocal on Everyblock too.  I think this is going to be a very contentious meeting.  Not exactly my idea of a fun Wednesday evening, but I've faced the same route-struggles as others describe, so I'm going to be there.

It appears that the pamphlet was written by the same guy that is agitating against the bikelane on Everyblock. His arguments are the typical NIMBY stuff.

I hope that the sensible people can prevail and be heard over the NIMBYs. This project is very much needed. It was one of my most frequent commute routes when I lived in Rogers Park and was heavily used then. Traffic has increased since then, increasing the need.

Would it be bad to attend even if we do not live in the area? I wouldn't plan to speak, more curious than anything.

Attend!  Chicago is a city of neighborhoods, but everyone is (in theory) welcome to ride in, walk in or otherwise pass through or visit any of them. Transportation infrastructure can't work if we leave the decision making entirely up to local residents. If we did that and the only people who show up are the anonymous FUD spreading NIMBYs, we'd have a set of walled enclaves instead of an open (mostly) vibrant city.

Agreed! Infrastructure belongs to everyone.

I rarely ride that but when I do I salmon for a block, turn right then ride the alley until it meets Clark then continue south.
How is a driver less likely to see you facing vs overtaking you? And if your child is out playing in the street unsupervised a bike is your least concern.


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