Looking for suggestions on a bike specific rainshell

After 5 years of regular use, my fluorescent yellow Gore Bikewear shell is coming to the end of its life. I am looking for a replacement.

Anyone using a shell that they like? It has to be bike specific (long in the back) and a muted color. Does not have to be black, but I'd like to move away from fluorescent colors.

It would be ideal if a local store carries it, so I can try it on before buying

Thanks in advance 

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Not as "fashionable" as some but I use J&G cycle wear rain gear.  Not in local stores but mail order. Good thing is that it is made in Oregon.  I've had a complete set of rain gear from them for about 5 years.


I got a Cleverhood about a year and a half ago and have enjoyed it in all sorts of conditions, including wet winter weather. I like the flexibility it offers in terms of what I can layer underneath it, from summerweight clothing to heavy winter wool sweaters. It keeps me dry in torrential downpours (including the bag on my shoulder). Comes in some nice non-fluorescent color schemes, some including reflective accents.  Bought mine at Heritage. Not sure if they're still carrying them or not.


I have a Shower's Pass Transit Jacket in Blue in a size large for sale. At the very least you're welcome to borrow for trial in case it's not quite your size or you prefer to buy brand new. I've only worn it about ten times so it's in fairly new condition. I also have the detachable hood which I would throw in. Message me if interested in try or buy. 


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