Please stop by the Greyhounds Only booth at the Wells street Art Fair this weekend


I was originally going to add this in the Bikes for Barkers group but there are a lot of art lovers here as well

Greyhounds Only will have a booth at the Wells street Art Fair this weekend. I will be working Saturday and probably Sunday. Please stop by, we have toys and collars for all breeds, as well as art and other items made by our volunteers. We will also have some dogs in foster care and our own pets at the booth.

Drop on by to see these wonderfully lazy and affectionate dogs. Many think that Greyhounds are hyper and need a lot of exercise. But Greyhounds are sprinters, they go all out and then they go to sleep.

My photo shows the natural position of the retired racing greyhound, its called cockroaching.

Here is the Greyhounds Only link:


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Yay Greyhounds only! That's where we got our grey. Awesome organization.
Greyhounds are cool. Friends who have them refer to them as "high speed couch potatoes."

I had a funny greyhound moment years ago in Scotland. I was out hiking in the country and encountered a woman who was walking with a German shepherd and a greyhound in a fenced-in farm field. The dogs spotted a rabbit across the field a few hundred yards away. The shepherd took off right away. The greyhound stood there a while, watching the shepherd run. When the shepherd was about 2/3 of the way to the rabbit, the greyhound launched, passing the shepherd like a rocket. Guess who got the rabbit? It wasn't the shepherd. Amazing and amusing.

BTW, letting greyhounds off-leash in the city isn't recommended. If they see prey, they can accelerate up to 45 mph in a few seconds. It's only a good idea to let them run off-leash in a fully fenced area, otherwise they can get in trouble in traffic in the blink of an eye.


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