Are you a Winter Warrior? Looking for sources for a DNAinfo Chicago story

Hi, so it's freezing outside...   yesterday I rode around in fingerless gloves and no scarf-  a mistake!

Anyway, how are you coping while cycling around? What are you wearing? How far are you traveling?

I'm writing a story about winter warriors, maybe bike messengers that work outside or people that still commute to work by bike despite the freezing weather.

Deadline is end of day tomorrow (Friday).

Please email me at or text me at 773-960-3997 if you would like to be featured in this story.

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Oh my god Lisa, have you been out in this weather? ;)

Truly, I would rather ride a mile (7 minutes door to door, with locking) well-bundled and making heat than walk for 20+ minutes in this.

Plus, I can make it to appointments through the workday, go do errands on my lunch break or before/after work, and not rely on the schedule of public transportation and its long, inactive waits. It's efficient. 

And I just ride everywhere, and it's SO much warmer and faster than walking! 

Lisa Curcio 4.1mi said:

Sarah, this is a serious question, and maybe it is of interest to Alisa. I know that you are a serious and able rider, and that you ride just about everywhere in all conditions.

But with a distance of .75 miles to work, why do you choose the bike over walking?

Sarah D. said:

I was one of the nutters who met last night, and I ride a very short distance to work (.75 mile commute) but faithfully through the winter, despite low temps. I have a colleague (not on Chainlink) who also does, and her commute is longer. Lmk if you need more people - and women! for the story. I can also work on the photo from Gannon's last night - not sure of its quality.


Well, that makes sense.  My ride--if I take Milwaukee--is a little over three miles, and once I get down here I don't really leave the building.  I usually take side streets to deliberately make it a little over four miles.  But side streets are ice near my house and I am more afraid of getting hit by one of the nuts who floor it from the stop signs and slam on their brakes at the next stop sign a block away, slipping and sliding all of the way.  So, I have been walking to the Division Blue Line stop this week--about a half-mile. I just layer and wear the winter storm coat, and usually walk fast enough that I get too warm--just like on the bike. :-)  

Sarah D. said:

Oh my god Lisa, have you been out in this weather? ;)

Truly, I would rather ride a mile (7 minutes door to door, with locking) well-bundled and making heat than walk for 20+ minutes in this.

Plus, I can make it to appointments through the workday, go do errands on my lunch break or before/after work, and not rely on the schedule of public transportation and its long, inactive waits. It's efficient. 

And I just ride everywhere, and it's SO much warmer and faster than walking! 

Lisa Curcio 4.1mi said:

Sarah, this is a serious question, and maybe it is of interest to Alisa. I know that you are a serious and able rider, and that you ride just about everywhere in all conditions.

But with a distance of .75 miles to work, why do you choose the bike over walking?

Sarah D. said:

I was one of the nutters who met last night, and I ride a very short distance to work (.75 mile commute) but faithfully through the winter, despite low temps. I have a colleague (not on Chainlink) who also does, and her commute is longer. Lmk if you need more people - and women! for the story. I can also work on the photo from Gannon's last night - not sure of its quality.

hi Sarah.... i would love to feature a woman in the story!! david and others, thanks for emailing me. i got a lot of replies and capped it at two men, ryan and dominic. The story is not just focused on cycling but people who work in cold like newspaper vendors and crossing guards now that CPS has reopened. Sarah, can you call me after 10 a.m. today? my cell is 773 960 3997. please email a pic of yourself in the cold on your bike when you get to work today, to
thanks so much. stay warm!

Hi Alisa, Please come back and share the article with us. Thanks!

My quote:

"Yea it's cold riding a bike and sometimes it hurts. You know what's colder and hurts more? Waiting for the bus or the train.  Ten-fifteen minutes standing outside stomping your feet on the ground   Being on a bike changes your relationship to the cold, rather than being another victim trying to stay warm your wrapping up and rising above it.  The real cold winter crazy types though, are the smokers."

Andy, that is awesome. You look so hardcore in the middle of the street with your bike. 

Hi, all!!  Thank you for sharing your stories.  I could have easily featured 15 of you instead of 4 plus one Streetwise vender. Link:


Alisa, Thanks for posting the article. You have a great mix of people braving the elements. 

Thanks for the article! I was happy to participate.

Great article and tips! Thanks Alisa, and I'm sorry my technical/phone woes kept me from participating. Love that you ended with safety tips from Mike Keating. I see a lot of unlit riders out this winter. 

Yea, winter biking!

Thanks Yasmeen, Ryan and Sarah!  After all those tips I realized that my back red light is not very bright and might need to upgrade it if i will still be biking at night.....   Does anyone have a Divvy station nearby? I might (not sure yet) be writing about snow removal at the stations.  If you email me photos of a shoveled or unshoveled station, I will photo credit you:


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