The Chainlink

You blew the red light east bound on Lawrence at Damen at 5:26 pm this evening.


There was enough time for the biker in front of me to make it half way into the intersection, northbound on Damen, before you came whizzing past my front wheel.


I yelled "You're an idiot!" at your big haired chick, self, and you looked back at me. I meant it!


I woulda testified for any of the cars, that managed to not kill you, if they had.


Keep riding like a tard!




Witness bad behavior during your commute? Feel free to post. Maybe that lovely human can read it and think they are famous. Maybe you can also inspire the whole generation of kids to shower but we can start with small things.

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What's with the random transphobia?

Billy Poore said:

Ha, are you sure it was a chick?  You never know these days...

To the gentlemen biking on Elston this morning on the fixie (I think it was a fixie), with the blue jersey, grey striped shorts and mini Ulock in your back pocket. You pulled just about every d-bag commuting move possible: You shoaled, blew red lights, cut off cars and never called out when you were passing. You are the epitome of a selfish cyclist. I have it all on camera. It'll make a great video entitled, "How to commute like a dick."

I know a couple of people who have been launched and injured when their bikes were "tripped" by extra long leashes across a path.  Please be careful when walking your pups, folks.

Andy J (9.2 miles) said:

To the couple walking their dogs with 20 foot leashes on the North Branch Trail last night:

Thanks allowing your pups to run up to me while I rode by - the boost of adrenaline I received from seeing my life flash before my eyes was just the boost needed for that extra "kick" on the way home.

You should know that just a year or two ago a man died, not far from where you were, when his bike got tangled in a dog's leash.

What is it with stupid people who should not own pets!? Just now riding into work I have the green light on eastbound Illinois and just as I'm entering the intersection with McClurg a guy starts crossing in front of me with his dog stretched out on a 6 foot leash behind him. I slow down and yell what the F are you doing! He starts yelling back F you F you. I say you can F me all day but you're a dumbass! A few more obscenities get hurled back and forth as he jogs off. I've still got adrenaline flowing from that. If I hadn't braked hard I would have been tangled right in that leash. 

One step closer to getting a video cam for my commute. 

Andy J (9.2 miles) said:

To the couple walking their dogs with 20 foot leashes on the North Branch Trail last night:

Thanks allowing your pups to run up to me while I rode by - the boost of adrenaline I received from seeing my life flash before my eyes was just the boost needed for that extra "kick" on the way home.

You should know that just a year or two ago a man died, not far from where you were, when his bike got tangled in a dog's leash.

To the commuter peloton that was behind me on Milwaukee Ave this afternoon:

When I stopped at the crosswalk where the woman was trying to cross, it wasn't just so that I could scratch my butt while you all sped around me. It was also so that the woman could cross. Did you notice the hulking SUV beside me that had also stopped for this woman? When a Range Rover - a fucking Range Rover! - is more polite to pedestrians than you are, you really need to reexamine your behavior. I hope those extra few seconds waiting at the red light 200 yards ahead that it bought you were really worth it.

Sad statement.

David Altenburg said:

...When a Range Rover - a fucking Range Rover! - is more polite to pedestrians than you are, you really need to reexamine your behavior. I hope those extra few seconds waiting at the red light 200 yards ahead that it bought you were really worth it.

I'm glad you're safe in your Volvo as you turned left in front of me from the oncoming lane then stopped directly in front of me thankfully I had no one behind me either. And that's why I ride fixed with brakes!

My bad this morning. Coming down the hill on Kinzie off of Milwaukee/DesPlaines. Got to the bottom of the hill after passing several riders (I did say on your left to all of them). Put the brakes on at the bottom (for the stop sign) and my back tire kicked out to the right a bit as it skid. I didn't take anyone down, but the young lady at the front of that downhill pack gave me an earful.

I deserved that one. I did apologize to her on the street (as we were riding), but she was pretty peeved an kept calling me an a**hole. As I was apologizing crossing the bridge, I almost ran into one of the little barricade sticks (whatever those are called). She laughed. I laughed. I deserved that. Sorry about the danger.

This is for any cyclist (myself included): If you are going to yell at someone and they start apologizing, please stop berating them with expletives. It doesn't help. Also, don't tell them how long you've been riding and that because of your tenure that you are an authority when it comes to biking. Many of us have been biking longer than you.

To Yellow Cab #3939 driver who tried to convince me the Western Bus wasn't running last night so I'd hop in your cab: I'm going do what I can to make sure you regret this disgusting tactic.

To the guy with a six or seven year old sitting splay-legged, facing forward in a Divvy 'basket' near North Avenue Beach on Friday- yeah, please don't do that.  I try not to second-guess parents (since I'm sure people second-guess me for cycling with my kids all the time) but I'm pretty certain you're exceeding the weight capacity on that one.  I couldn't help but take a photo of you, but I'll reserve it for sharing privately with friends.

Instant Karma Friday!

Me: Taking the lane behind a couple of cars, who were passing other cars, who were parked in the right lane on Washington West of State.

You: Impatient driver in a black monte carlo trying to pass all of us as the yellow light is getting awfully stale. Thanks for the really close pass as you gunned it toward the intersection.

Cop: Waiting at the cross light, saw it go green when you entered the intersection and promptly pulled you over.

Me: Ringing my bell and yelling 'on your left' as I ride by your open window. Happy Friday!

Priceless! And an officer there when it mattered.

Reminds me of when I was a new driver (1967) in a stick-shift VW bus stopped at a light waiting to turn left. In my rear-view mirror I could see an impatient driver and behind him a squad car(!). As the light turned green, I made a jerky start. This was too much for "Mr. Rush", and he pulled out to the right and made the left turn in front of me. Sadly for him, it was also in front of the squad, which instantly lit up and pulled him over. I gave him a couple toots on the (squeaky VW) horn as I passed. :-)


Tandemonium said:

Me: Ringing my bell and yelling 'on your left' as I ride by your open window. Happy Friday!


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