The Chainlink


The article names a David Brown, it's chainlinker Dan Brown. No final call on status but hoping for the best.

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Julia, I suspect you're not the only one in that situation.  Dan is one of the most ubiquitous* Chainlink members in Chicago.  Beer rides, training rides, volunteering at Active Trans rides, hosting card nights, walking his dogs, one sees him everywhere.  Lots of good thoughts go out to Dan and his family.  

* My dictionary says this: present, appearing, or found everywhere.  Constantly appearing.  

I just can't think of a better word to describe him.  


Doesn't seem real at all.  Those pics above of his smiley sun burned face brought tears to my eyes. 

I frequently hang with him at Spyner's. He's well known at pretty much every Karaoke joint in Chicago on top of all this.
yaj 7.4 said:

Julia, I suspect you're not the only one in that situation.  Dan is one of the most ubiquitous* Chainlink members in Chicago.  Beer rides, training rides, volunteering at Active Trans rides, hosting card nights, walking his dogs, one sees him everywhere.  Lots of good thoughts go out to Dan and his family.  

* My dictionary says this: present, appearing, or found everywhere.  Constantly appearing.  

I just can't think of a better word to describe him.  

I really hope their thoughts about him being able to swim back are correct and he's oddly back and roaming around chicago...

That's what I'm thinking too. It would be so typical Dan to just show up and say, yeah I swam back no problem. 

Aaron Bussey said:

I really hope their thoughts about him being able to swim back are correct and he's oddly back and roaming around chicago...

Thats what I am thinking - if this is true I am buying his the biggest boot of beer EVER at Brauhaus next time I see him.  Fingers crossed and praying 

Julie Hochstadter said:

That's what I'm thinking too. It would be so typical Dan to just show up and say, yeah I swam back no problem. 

Aaron Bussey said:

I really hope their thoughts about him being able to swim back are correct and he's oddly back and roaming around chicago...

That would be great.

Julie Hochstadter said:

That's what I'm thinking too. It would be so typical Dan to just show up and say, yeah I swam back no problem. 

Aaron Bussey said:

I really hope their thoughts about him being able to swim back are correct and he's oddly back and roaming around chicago...

Here's Dan volunteering at ATA's Bike to Brew event the end of July.

There are some pics of Dan Brown taken by Steven Gross at the 10,000 Member Party for the Chainlink that Steven was kind enough to post on the site. I included a few below.

Classic Dan Brown story: I brought two staff members from my firm, Erin and Alexandra, to the 10K member party because they just started at the firm and hadn't gone to a bike event before and I wanted them to meet people from the bike community. I introduced them to Dan who then proceeded to regale them with a solid 10 minute discourse on everything from craft brews in Chicago, to why he thinks I should ride more, to why rock concerts are better in Ireland as opposed to England.

They thought he was hilarious. A man that loves life and with a huge heart. He is truly one of a kind.

got the news on the dock about a person missing off a sailboat on Sunday before heading out to race, never thought it would be a person I know.

hoping for a positive outcome


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