Bad Accident Involving Cyclist in Glenview This Morning

I passed by what looked like a horrific accident at the corner of Glenview Rd. and Wagner at 8:10 this morning. Police/Fire/EMTs already had someone (presumably the cyclist) up on gurney - I couldn't tell what his or her status was.

The bike was a twisted mess; all I could make of it was that it once was a white road bike. It was positioned as if it were on glenview Rd., crossing Wagner, going west on the north side of the street, but given the amount of damage, it may have been dragged/thrown from anywhere within 30 feet of its final location. I couldn't tell what car was involved, or if it was still at the scene. There were a good number of bystanders (witnesses?) there as well.

For those of you that don't know the area, Glenview Road is the ONLY reasonable east-west route through the area. It intersects the North Branch Trail (a huge draw for cyclists, rollerbladers, and pedestrians), and is the only safe route (Golf Rd. to the south, Lake Ave. to the north) to the lakefront and the city from Glenview and the surrounding communities. Despite this, the Village of Glenview seems to only be focused on north-south bike lanes (Shermer) presumably to promote travel to/from/between downtown and The Glen. This road needs bike lanes. I only hope that this poor soul didn't have to pay with his skin for the village to realize this.

I'm sick to my stomach over this - moments earlier I was relishing the idyllic morning weather; perfect for riding in to work, as I'm certain this unfortunate guy/gal was. I couldn't help but wonder if this one of the "regulars" I see every on this stretch of road on my way to and from work. I was consumed by the fact that I didn't wake my wife to say goodbye this morning...

I'll try to get more details as the day goes on and post updates here. If anyone else has news, please do the same.

Please be safe out there.

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When I visit relatives in Glenview or Northbrook, I use the south sidewalk on W Lake Ave.  I wouldn't dare use the road on Lake.  But I have been on Glenview Road and have had good luck.  

Hi......I am the Glenview cyclist who was hit by a car on Friday morning at Glenview Road and Wagner. I am happy to report that I was released from the hospital on Saturday night and I am home recovering. I just wanted to thank all of you for your prayers, concern and well wishes. I know I am very fortunate to be back home. Be safe out there.

Yes, Bill, so glad to know you are coming along.  And I know what Jeff meant was we would be interested to hear what happened but not now and not on a public forum.

Hi Bill,

So glad to hear from you! Get well soon, and know that you'll be in my thoughts on the ride in this morning (and probably many more to come).

Bill - Glad to hear that you're recovering. Wishing you speedy healing.

Almost a comment on the lack of respect for cycling and cyclists when "...where she collided with the man peddling west." is part of the story -- if a reported doesn't know the difference between "pedaling" and "peddling"....ah, never mind, I know words don't really matter, cyclist safety does, but...yeesh

Glenview road is really the ONLY east-west route in Glenview to the lake, the North Branch trail, and ultimately the North Shore trail by connecting to NW Evanston. Glenview had a master plan in place to revitalize its downtown and expand its bike network and pedestrian network but the 2008 financial crisis intervened.

To its credit, Glenview is being very progressive with its plans for bikes. Here is there overall bike plan:

Construction on the downtown is well under way and there is a lot of optimism. Bike lanes are a top priority for the entire area. Here is also a recent blog post I did about Glenview's immediate plans for bikeways:

I see that error all too often in print. *sigh* 

Glad to hear the news about Glenview's bike plan. Thanks, Mike.

Bill Nedza said:

Almost a comment on the lack of respect for cycling and cyclists when "...where she collided with the man peddling west." is part of the story -- if a reported doesn't know the difference between "pedaling" and "peddling"....ah, never mind, I know words don't really matter, cyclist safety does, but...yeesh

Most likely more a reflection on the current state of journalist education and/or laziness.  Either too lazy to actually proofread and relying on spell-check or/and no idea how to spell.

Now, Mike, I know you can spell so I guess spell-check got in the way:  "there overall bike plan"  :-)

Bill Nedza said:

Almost a comment on the lack of respect for cycling and cyclists when "...where she collided with the man peddling west." is part of the story -- if a reported doesn't know the difference between "pedaling" and "peddling"....ah, never mind, I know words don't really matter, cyclist safety does, but...yeesh

+1 Unfortunately, I think a large part of it is a decline in literacy. Texting contributes to the problem. :(

Jeff Schneider said:

there their they're

too two to

pedal peddle

brake break

I don't know if it is spell check, using mobile devices in a hurry, or lack of literacy that causes these words to be misused.  Maybe all three.  But when I see it, it's like fingernails on a chalkboard!

To make a stand for the people my age: 

I often type on my phone to post online, and I don't often spellcheck/edit when I post online, because I post online a lot, and it's a very informal setting. 

HOWEVER when your job is writing, there's really no excuse to not be thoroughly editing your articles yourself, and then supposedly there are professional editors too, but they don't seem to do much anymore. 

I'm seeing these kinds of errors way too often from "professional" news sources. Yes, supposedly there are professional editors, but it seems there aren't enough of them anymore, or perhaps they're falling down on the job.

Michelle Milham said:

To make a stand for the people my age: 

I often type on my phone to post online, and I don't often spellcheck/edit when I post online, because I post online a lot, and it's a very informal setting. 

HOWEVER when your job is writing, there's really no excuse to not be thoroughly editing your articles yourself, and then supposedly there are professional editors too, but they don't seem to do much anymore. 


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