Nice first ride in the COLD.


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Julie Hochstadter said:

Bike the drive!!!

Gene- where is that?

Gene Tenner said:

This is taken on the Montrose Pier which is just south of Montrose Beach and east of the harbor. The photo is looking south and a little west towards downtown. 'Tis one of my favorite lakefront haunts.

Ifi Susana said:

Gene- where is that?


Jeff Schneider said:

A little boy was riding what must be his first bicycle on the sidewalk, with Dad walking behind.  I heard a tinkling sound, then the boy joyfully exclaiming, "I'm ringing my bell, Daddy!"  I envied his joy as I remembered my own first bike rides decades ago.

Was gone for the weekend but got back on the bike this morning to come to work.  Very nice ride this morning.  I think the heat made my hoods gummy, they were sticking to my gloves some.  they're really old anyway so I think the rubber is disintegrating.

I'm normally silent when passing people. Sunday morning, while the rest of you were biking the drive, I rode out to Paw Paw Lake (I happened to be in MI for the weekend). I encountered a bike path (or MUP? it was completely unmarked) that was all of perhaps a half mile long. The first person I passed was running in the opposite direction. We exchanged "good morning"s. Then I encountered two people walking the same direction as me. A "good morning" seemed to work with them as well. YMMV.

Michelle Milham said:

IDK I think it's damned if you do damned if you don't with on your left. Yesterday, I didn't say it as I passed and got yelled at, so the next person I passed (I was running late haha...) I DID say on your left and got "Ok, whatever you want thats fine," all sarcastic like I did something wrong. 

Middleton Baymont Hotel to the UW Chazen Art Museum. Union Station to Wilmette. About 30 miles.

55° and overcast, with a slight headwind.  After I heated up it was very comfortable. I have said that 65° is my fav temp, but I think I might like it cooler, especially after I warm up.  If my commute was only five or ten minutes then I'd prefer 65°, but beyond that it might be nicer at 55-60°.  I dunno.  I can remember any 60° days anyway.  I only remember one at 65.  seems like its either 55 and below, or 75 and above.  impatient CTA bus tried to cut me off, coming at me, as he was turning left and I was going straight  thru an intersection.  I didn't stop, just slowed down, stared at him, went around him after he stopped/lost and gave him a goofy smile as I passed. 

I did. First ride into work. My ride to work is 10 down Kedzie (so many potholes), I had to get new tires first. Picked up some Vittoria Rubino. They worked great. Here's to more riding!


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