Going up Green Bay road this morning  came across this poor duck lying halfway  near the middle of the road, cars just went around him, no seemed to care or it was just too much trouble to get out  of their cages. Lucky I came across him. Took awhile to chase him down while stopping traffic. Glad no one got irritated due to the inconvenience. Was able to stick it in my back pack and carry it to work until the sanctuary can pick it up. 

Good Luck Duck!

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That is flat-out awesome of you! Many many good karma points to you.

That was a beautiful duck.  Glad to hear he/she is safe.

What a lucky duck! Thanks for doing a good deed. Hearing your news just made my day!


Nançois 8.5 said:

What a lucky duck! 

This is wonderful. Well done! Any idea if a car had hit him, or if he was ill some other way? 

Well done!

I picked up a turtle once... their necks are longer than you'd think!


Yeah! Well done.

Diego Rael- 16.0mi said:

Thanks,  Willowbrook Wildlife Center just picked him up and he's on his way to recovery. It was a Red Breasted Merganser from what the person told me.

This sort of thing happened to me once, and I wrote it up to send to some biking friends:




"Excuse me, sir!" said the teen standing along the one-lane road.  "Have you seen a little white dog?"

I was riding in the rural countryside of California's Sonoma Valley, out there recently pedaling through the wine country and hills.

"No, sorry" I told him. "But I'll keep my eyes open."  Yikes, I thought, a missing dog.  As a pet owner myself I thought how anxious the kid must be to get his dog back.

And wouldn't you know it, a mile down the road and here's the little white dog standing in the grass next to the pavement.  I stopped my bike and the cute little dog immediately came over, friendly as can be and looking to get petted.  I tried to figure out what to do as I stood there scratching the dog's back.

Of course, if I rode back and told the kid I had seen his dog, the dog might be long gone by the time we got back.  And I couldn't just keep riding and pretend I didn't know this was the lost dog. 

So I did what seemed to me to be the best option: I picked up the dog and tucked him under my arm like I was carrying a football and took off riding back to where I had seen the boy.  I'm sure it looked odd, but the dog loved it.  His ears were flapping in the breeze and his tongue was hanging out like he was perched at the window on a car ride.

The return ride went quick. Circling back, I found the kid no problem at all still out hunting his dog. I rode up to him and handed him the pooch.

"Thanks, Mister," he said. "But that's not my dog."



Post an update! I'd love to hear how he's doing. I came across a dead male golden eye duck on the Damen bridge by Fullerton one day last year and was so sad to see it there- must have tried to fly too low across 2 lanes of traffic. 

Diego Rael- 16.0mi said:

Thanks, going to go and try and check up on him this weekend.

You did the right thing.  Good on you, D.


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