I am all for a big winter but gosh-darned it, there's a new Marlin in my basement waiting for some 50-degree temps!  Hey, does anyone know what's going on with the IPP East-bound?  The last I took it, it dead-ended at the Hillside water tower.  But the other day I saw a sign for it east of there, at maybe 25th Street...how filled in is The Path in Cook County?

P.S. I am in the suburbs, so don't bug me about NOT biking now, 49F and lower is what cars are for!  I'll work off 'The Groocho' after 3/21, thank you.

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wimps + <49F is what cars are for... don't impose your discomfort riding in the cold on the rest of us. 

But, yes, winter sucks and the lack of path maintenance in the burbs sucks. 

Why wait until 3/21? According to Tom Skilling we have been in Meteorological Spring for the past three days!

Even though it wasn't all that pleasant, I took a 30 min spin around the neighborhood yesterday afternoon. Yes; at 13 degrees, I didn't care; I just needed to remember what it felt like to spin the crank. 

I confess that I've started irrationally blaming the weather forecasters for imposing this long winter on us. Must be good for ratings. They're predicting two days over the next ten that will at least get above freezing. So there's that, I guess.

at this point, I'm just happy to see 30's. :(

If you don't ride in colder than 49 degrees the terrorists win!


Mike Zumwalt said:

If you don't ride in colder than 49 degrees the terrorists car-drivers win!

Today is March 4. Its in the 20's and we feel like its downright balmy. There is still plenty of snow and there seems to be a forecast for more.  I rode the #$% road bike on the trainer in the basement again this morning. This past weekend my wife and I walked into the garage with some groceries. I looked at my commuter on a stand and said, "good to see you old friend. How have you been?" She just shook her head and kept walking.


The skis laughed at the commuter and said, "you can have him back. He's putting on weight since  he stopped riding outdoors. I think my camber is shot from carrying him around all winter." Commuter was about to say something once I got in the house and out of earshot. He was interrupted by the mountain bike. They argued for most of the afternoon. Road bike was in the basement but he  could hear them arguing. He preferred that to the sound of the washing machine. He still has not gotten used to the washing machine. he gets lonely in the basement. He liked haning out with the other bikes. He would often flirt with the Electra that has the cute basket. She pretty much stays to herself. They have all been getting testy with each other since they have been sitting around and not been getting out like they did last Winter.

cabin fever, implements talking about me behind my back. Its starting to get to me. I'm starting to crack up.

So, what's the over under on what date we will see the last legitimate post this season on this thread? March, April. May....Au(freaking)gust???? 

According to the Farmer's Almanac, April 20 is the "last frost date" for gardeners in this zone. That date gets my vote.

This is without doubt the worst winter I've experienced in my 27 years of living in Chicago. On the plus side, it dawned on me over the weekend that I will probably never complain about winters here ever again--or at least for another 30 years!

David Barish said:

So, what's the over under on what date we will see the last legitimate post this season on this thread? March, April. May....Au(freaking)gust???? 

Just flew back from Washington D.C. First time I have been on a plane this winter, and I was amazed at the snow cover on the ground pretty much all the way. And the ice on the lake is amazing. With things the way they are, I wonder if the ground will even be thawed by April 20!
It feels like one step forward and two steps back with the weather. Snow again tonight, warming up to 30's Friday, low 30's Saturday, then back to upper 20's, then lower 40's and then heading back to the 20's for a few days. AAuuuggghhh is right.

I've always thought May 15th was the safe date, but we still still got frosted tomato and cucumber plants one year.

Nançois 8.5 said:

According to the Farmer's Almanac, April 20 is the "last frost date" for gardeners in this zone. That date gets my vote.

This is without doubt the worst winter I've experienced in my 27 years of living in Chicago. On the plus side, it dawned on me over the weekend that I will probably never complain about winters here ever again--or at least for another 30 years!

David Barish said:

So, what's the over under on what date we will see the last legitimate post this season on this thread? March, April. May....Au(freaking)gust???? 


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